Sorry, not this time. I'm having fun just reading everything going on, but Wisp is a night owl. Y'see, there's a fundamental difference between Wisp and everyone else here: Wisp is the only person who can't afford to do this for a living. The Executioner and Black Jack get paid to do this, so do the Regel brothers apparently (they live in train tunnels anyway, I'd actually call this quite productive), it's Collin's actual job, and Ocean has enough money to screw around and do whatever he wants. If Wisp doesn't work a day job, she's homeless, and ain't no one payin' her for the service she provides to the community. She's a little like Batman with Spiderman's money and attitude, ya dig? This might change at some point as things come to a head, but for now she's a regular joe who does super-related things at night. HOWEVER. I do have a way to tie her into everything once the sun goes down. Working on that one. Our little gravity witch will get involved soon enough.