“Where’s Serphia and the other elves? …Don’t tell me you split up with them, too” "Eehhmmm.... maybe?" Rithrynn mumbled, hesitating slightly as Liaena's look grew both darker and more disappointed by every passing second. "Orders were orders, you know... the assassins split up. I went afte,-" "Thanks, Rithrynn. You arrived just in time." Spinning away from Liaena like a fox attempting to escape a forest fire, Rithrynn turned to face the High Elf and beamed from ear to ear as she accepted his praise. Any second she could delay having to give the bad news to Liaena was worth it! "No problem, Shaw!" Slowly turning back to Liaena, Rithrynn peered at the little human for a while. She had an eerie feeling that the human was currently holding a lot of pent up frustration and resentment directed at her, and Rithrynn was not too keen on potentially throwing more fuel on the fire in the case of Liaena by confirming her cynical expectations. But she could not just sit there and smile at her all day either... "We split up in three groups. I went after the dwarf. He died further up in the cistern. Serphia and Vashi went after the mage, and,-" "Rithrynn, what are you doing over there?!" Suddenly sounded a new voice as two sentinels came walking out of one of the corridors and into the corridor, dragging with them the rather disheveled assassin, Donald. But as they stepped out into the crossroad, one of the sentinels suddenly became aware of Shani who was sitting against the sewer wall a few meters away from them, looking pale as a ghost. "Shani!" One of the Sentinels suddenly exclaimed, leaving the assassin with her sister before rushing over to Shani to check her vitals. Shani appeared to be fine, minus the shock that she seemed to have experienced that left the otherwise proud sentinel rather speechless at the moment, simply staring blankly out in the sewer as her mind tried to recollect itself and piece together what had actually happened earlier with the banshee. "What in Elune's ass happened here?!" "Ahem, I can explain!" Rithrynn said as the Night Elf walked towards the edge of the platform to face the direction of the crossroad across the murky pond, but was suddenly interrupted by a shrilling shriek that echoed through the many corridors of the sewer, emanating from the tunnel that Serphia and Vashi had entered earlier. It immediately caught the attention of every single sentinel in the vicinity, as they looked frantically around in an attempt to locate the source of the unnatural noise. "Uhh, I think that might be coming from the way Serphia went... " Rithrynn mumbled as she peered back at Liaena and Sharon. " :.. and it didn't sound good!" * Meanwhile, back at Serphia and Vashi; the battle was raging for full. Sevarian's magic had turned what would otherwise have been a relatively even matchup in Serphia's favor completely around, as the two Night Elves found the skeletal minions coming now faster than they could destroy them. The large skeletal beast was still around, though dragging itself by the floor after its legs had been crushed by the Captain earlier. Vashi flung around; shattering a skeletal minion to splinters. But as she did so, another one charged at her from behind, ripping into her leg with its razor sharp claws and digging a stinging wound down her leg. The Night Elven sorcerer let out a shriek of pain, before summoning a wave of arcane magic to push the skeletal beings away from her. But they just seemed to recollect themselves, before coming at her yet again. "We can't kill them all!" She cried out to Serphia. The Captain was holding her ground for the moment, but becoming increasingly strained with the increase in foes. She had already sustained a number of smaller wounds and bruisers throughout the fight from the skeletal horde, but was still fighting at full form. "Kill the Necromancer! Kill the Horde!" Serphia called out as if it was pure instinct. Slashing a minion in half with her sword, the Captain turned around and suddenly sprinted towards the small alcove above where Sevarian and his apprentice stood and watched. Vashi struggled to keep up, barely dodging a ravenous fiend as she lounged forward in an attempt to keep up with her Captain. Casting a brief spell of levitation on her Captain, Serphia suddenly jumped almost a dozen feet up into the air; assisted by the gravitational-cancelling effects of Vashi's magic. Soaring towards the small balcony, she faced her shield forward as she was about to land; her sword forward in a position ready to thrust and butcher the two men as soon as she touched the surface where they stood! "[b]ANAR BELENAR FARTAI![/b]"