hageto was a part of the pokemon world that many people forget, the fact it has little to no contact with the others, is so far away and even somewhat dangerous to go to, but to the pokemon, it seems the best place in the world, as the pokemon from every part of the globe inhabit the same islands. The region has created there own gyms and final four based on types that many other's would never expected to be in the gyms. You are a currently on the island, searching out the gym leaders in hopes of becoming what you always wanted in life... to be a pokemon master, thought you may only be a child (most likely) you know you can do it, and with your new goal set you head off to sleep, waiting for the next day to come, the day your adventure begins. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/34188/posts/ooc?page=3#post-1048352] the maps in here somewere [/url] Rules 1. I be supreme ruler so what I say goes 2. I am chill but don't be a butthole 3. no killing 4. no sex, black out if it happens but please no loli 5. magic is real character sheet Name: appearance: (description or pic works) age: pokemon: gender: other: pokemon character sheet Name: Age: Gender: Other: