[quote=LesleyDrakken] Ffff haha I've been talking about to getting into a Pokemon RP since joining here but now I only have one character for it. Oh well, here goes nothing.Character sheetName: Jason Pollux Appearance: Dark, curly brown hair and hazel eyes, usually wears a grey flatcap and modest clothing like turtlenecks. Age: 21 (Part of his story, but I can change it if it's too old)Pokemon: Girafarig Gender: MaleOther: Decided to on a journey after the loss of his best friend to sickness, the two had owned Pokemon as pets their entire lives but Jason had never had the courage to become a trainer, until now.Pokemon character sheetName: Castor Age: 18Gender: MaleOther: Jason's first and only Pokemon, who has been with him since he was very young. Will probably be jealous if he catches any other Pokemon on their journey. [/quote] accepted [quote=HollywoodMole] Is it just starter pokemon? Because I was going for a Pidgey. [/quote] no any pokemon you want