Posting Schizo Dwarf now. Will post the Revenant once it's done. [hider=Schizo Dwarf][b]Name:[/b] Algrimm Ironblood [b]Age:[/b] 332 [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=] [b]Homeland:[/b] The Underdark [b]History:[/b] Clan Ironblood has always been shunned by those of proper dwarven society, because of their “backward” ways of thinking, and their “disgusting” familial habits. Their particular brand of beliefs in the inherent racial superiority of the dwarven race combined with their fervent belief of “purity through incest” has kept the clan almost permanently on the lower dregs of society, despite their claim that they are the purest of all the dwarven clans. Algrimm Ironblood is one of the many products of the clan’s strict doctrine of inbreeding and racial purity, and was always a bit different from the rest of his family growing up. Then again, almost all of the Ironblood brood are considered a bit “different” compared to other dwarves. But Algrimm was very different growing up, and he knew it. For one thing, he could read the minds of his siblings, parents, and anyone he physically touched. When he first discovered this ability, he was frightened by it, thinking himself a madman. But eventually, he embraced it, accepting that it was a part of his life, even though it was a strange experience whenever he and one of his sisters were forced to copulate (not that it wasn’t enjoyable for him, but it always felt rude to intrude within his own kin’s mind whilst fucking said kin). For another thing, Algrimm always preferred to read more than his brothers, who mainly occupied their time with drinking, fighting, and fucking (no one outside the clan, of course) ; “The Ironblood way”, their father had always said. Algrimm quite obviously thought otherwise, keeping to his books, making him somewhat of an outcast within his own family (of course with the exceptions of his sisters and his mother). And so he grew up, secluded in his learning, locked away with a rag-tag collection of books his brothers would occasionally steal for him (because after all, even if he was a bit queer in their eyes, he was still family, and family is everything to the Ironbloods). One would think that the madness started there, in those long nights of reading, hidden away from the world, but no, the madness would come later. Make no mistake, he was still just as twisted as the rest of his clan, with the same inherent racially superior views about the dwarven race and the same incestual ways of his ancestors, but the madness would only fully ferment itself after Algrimm found his true calling. He’d always been fascinated with anatomy and how the body functioned, so he started studying the dead, dissecting corpses in his curiosity. His “studies”, as you could call them, only became more twisted when he started experimenting with live subjects. Of course, in order to properly understand the anatomy of all living things, not just those of dwarves, drow, and the other denizens of the Underdark, he had to go aboveground. So, thus resolved to learn the secrets held within the flesh, Algrimm bid farewell to his family and headed for the surface, with what few belongings he had. The surface...was strange, at least in Algrimm’s eyes. There were few dwarves, fewer drow, and no mindflayers to speak of, to say nothing of the other denizens of his homeland. Despite all the differences, he continued his studies with an even greater gusto, especially since he had a much greater range of subjects to experiment on. It was at that time when his true abilities manifested, and he discovered that through the application of his will, he could shape the flesh and bones of others, as if it was as malleable as clay. Furthermore, his telepathic abilities began to change, as to his dismay, he found that rather than the “mining” technique that he was used to, those who found themselves physically interacting with him during his studies would instead have their whole mind consumed and integrated within his own. As a result, the madness he had quietly borne throughout his life exploded into wild, sporadic existence. The change was immediately visible to those around him (not that he was much of a social person anyway). He would speak in different voices at varying times, complain of noises that weren’t there, wake up in places he’d never been to before with no clue of what he’d done, and suffered from the most terrible of headaches constantly. To make matters worse, the authorities (Renaltan in nature, since their kingdom is the most diverse, and thus had the greatest range of subjects to test on) had not stood by as its citizens went missing, and was catching up to Algrimm. Finally, in the middle of one of his sessions, they found him, knees deep in offal, bloody entrails in hand, all while the poor “subject”, still living, moaned in gruesome agony. They would’ve killed him too, if he hadn’t convinced him of certain “benefits” that came with his art. Instead, they sent him to the Queen’s Blades, where he could atone for his “sins”, as they called his experiments, by fighting the demonic incursion. Or, of course, die trying. [b]Motivation:[/b] Algrimm is partially here in order to make up for his “harmless experiments” as ordered by the authorities, and partially here to further his knowledge of the secrets of the flesh. [b]Equipment List:[/b] Clan Ironblood’s heirloom blunderbuss, won by Atticus “Old Man” Ironblood (Algrimm’s great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather) after a feud with his brother over who’d get to bed their sister, and passed down through the lineage ever since. Algrimm’s father gave it to him as a going away present, “So ye always remember who ye are, ya fooking coont. A fooking pure-bred Ironblood.” An ever-expanding collection of stolen tomes on anatomy, Algrimm’s pride and joy. A bag of chirurgical implements, used in Algrimm’s studies. A fleshcrafted tome, containing all the knowledge Algrimm has discovered in his studies on anatomy, fleshcrafting, and the secrets held in the flesh. Clothes, food, water, all that crap. [b]General Traits:[/b] -- Raw Talent: [i]”Mother always said that I was a special one. I guess she was telling the truth.”[/i] -- Apprentice: [i]”My art will reveal even more of the secrets of the flesh, with time.”[/i] -- Awakened Meditation: [i]”The secrets in the flesh have revealed to me many things, one of which is this.”[/i] [b]Unique Traits:[/b] -- [i]Gestalt Psyche:[/i] Algrimm’s continued use of his telepathic abilities have manifested into something much more monstrous. Through prolonged interaction with an individual, rather than the normal “mining” effect that is common to all telepaths, Algrimm instead consumes their mind in whole, assimilating and incorporating it into his own, leaving the poor soul a mindless husk. Afterwards, he is able to wade through and disseminate the knowledge he’s obtained, though not all at once. As a result of this ability, Algrimm’s mind has fractured, causing periods of incoherentness, personality shifts, and intense headaches. -- [i]Chirurgical Student:[/i] Algrimm’s intense study of anatomy, augmented by his basic grasp of the inner workings of his nascent art, have coalesced to allow him a greater knowledge of the secrets hidden in the flesh, and he has the potential to become the greatest (and probably only) chirurgical fleshcrafter the world has ever known. For now though, he is able to twist flesh to his will in such a way that the magic takes a lessened toll on his body than it would to others. [b]Personal Section[/b] [b]Romance:[/b] If you’re okay with either ending up as a husk or a fleshcrafted monstrosity, then feel free. [b]Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:[/b] It sure does. [b]Signature:[/b] I, Zed, agree to let Schizo Dwarf die if it happens.[/hider]