"I have decided you're punishment" the grim figure created by X spoke out. "Giving you death or power would be to good for you, instead I take a fee. As you killed in cold-blood without remorse or emotion, my fee is you're emotions. You shall sit in your cage helpless as you said in pure silence, looking at the graves of your victims with the same emotion-less eyes as you did when you first killed them. You will sit here with no sounds, with only thoughts you keep you occupied. I will allow you to sit here to you're on the end of death due to the edge of death due to hunger and thirst, and then I will force the nutrition down you're throat to continue you're suffering. You will only be allowed death when you grow to old to live. This is your punishment." he said, floating without a sound away from the cage, and as he did, he turned invisible. During his whole speech, and even the time after he pushed apathy and locked his captives emotions away from him. He actually got this concept from one his "therapies" that was done by his community's leader, the one he drew dead in a later therapy. You would lock someone up in a confined room that was completely silent and then push apathy on the person. You would then wait a bit and then encourage another emotion response through another way. The idea was that it would allow the person to think and learn to control their emotion, but X knew it to be torture. Its whole purpose was break someone's will so you could reform them into whatever you wanted. When X went into that session, he was just a trouble maker, when he came out, he was a psychopath, or well on his way to becoming one. X loved the genius of the technique, the silence promoted deep thought and slowly would drive the person crazy. You would then use empathy to slowly push false empathy onto a person, and then use some other way, normally illusions to create an actual emotional responce, this would break the mind and normally, with help of the silence, completely shatter a persons mind and will. If they tried to remain respond with apathy, than when you do ultimately shock them with another emotion, the shock is much greater. If they tried to react with that same emotion that you encouraged them to feel, the shock happens much quicker. If they tried to react with another emotion, than the shock still happens, as apathy naturally conflicts with any emotion by its very nature. There was only so long a person could fight this before they snap. X almost felt sorry for the human, if this was torture to a master of emotions like a cherubim, than what would it be like for a fragile human. He knows the pain this so-called-therapy could bring, however, why should he care? The person in the cage is just a human, a non-entity, an animal, a toy for his amusement. The emotions of a human should be none of his worries, he could play with human emotions like the strings of a harp, the only importance they serve is to entertain him. This was strong and also slightly smart, but a strong and intelligent human is just an over-glorified, strong, intelligent ape. You need to be in the top ten IQs among humans to even be considered equals to the weakest of the supernatural. He then snapped out of his thought and went back to his torture. All of the once blank grave turned to face Rand, and writings started to form on them. On one said, "Here lays a werewolf, executed by a hunter for the crime of picking flowers." Another said "Here lays a wizard, executed by a hunter for the crime of learning slightly to much magic to help the Hunter Cause." And another said, "Here lays a vampire, executed by a hunter for the crime of existing." and all of them had similar writing that all went to that basic formula.