Co-Post Raiden and Beast. Raiden and Beast watched as new people entered the arena and listened to Rogues orders. Raiden got up and put a psychic barrier around Torriko, protecting him from the lightning, he then expanded the barrier forcing the Assassin's arm open, allowing Torriko to escape. He then put the same kind of barrier around him figuring he would need some protection against the elements. Raiden drew his sword and got out his shield. He slowly and confidentially approached Assassin as he got ready to fight. Beast encased himself in stone armor to protect himself from the lightning, He raised his hands and the earth lifted him up. He then sent waves of boulders at Assassin as he jumped onto platforms of earth each time he sent one of the platforms to attack. Raiden used his DNA manipulation to give himself the DNA of the Night Furry, Deadly Natter and Gronckle. He flew up beside Beast to back him up as he fired a barrage of Natter spikes at Assassin while keeping a safe distance. Twin Blade and Astrid Twin Blade watched as new people came into the arena, he listened to his orders and nodded, then looked to Reptile, hearing him shout out that they had forgotten him, He quickly thrusted his arm up and suddenly a number of dark spires came out of Reptile's shadow, he then shouted up to him. "Well can you blame us for forgetting about such a useless Reptile." He laughed and then waited for Astrid. Astrid ran up from behind Blade, she jumped in the air landing on Blade's shoulder and kicked off him, propelling herself towards Reptile. As she flew through the air, she covered herself in her ice dragon armor as she drew her twin bladed sword. She used a super sonic scream to disordinate Reptile making it harder for him to dodge Blade's attack. She then hovered in the air with a smile, she was getting bored sitting and watching all the fun. The Twins. The twins weren't too happy that they had to fight with Bandit to take out Reggie. They would be happier fighting them both, at least then there would be one for each of them. The two covered themselves in their bone dragon armor as they both shot a barrage of exploding bone spikes out of the dragon head shield. Selena and Dagur Selena followed Reggie to Berk making sure he didn't notice, if figured that Morrigan had gotten herself into trouble again. As they made it to the arena, she watched as he entered the fight. She saw him immediately release Assassin as he started to help Morrigan. She jumped down from the rocks and entered the arena, as she landed she let out a disapproving sigh as she said, "Honestly Reggie, how many times do I have to tell you, you shouldn't show your trump card to your opponents so early. You know how much I hate explaining the same thing twice." As she finished talking Dagur realized Morrigan and her allies were getting too strong. There was now two people helping her, one of which was just as strong as her and now another ally had shown. At least this one however didn't have a spirit inside her. He decided to take her out now before she could become a problem. as Dagur ran at her, she gave a cold stare as she looked him in the eye and said, "Fight me, and you shall never recover. Forfeit and withdraw." Dagur ignored this as he summoned two dark magic balls in his hands and threw them at Selena, she sighed as she pulled out her spear. She span it around and deflected the balls with ease then threw the spear into his chest, as she walked over to him slowly, Dagur screamed in pain as the slowly absorbed his whole body and acquired all of his powers and memories, once Dagur had completely been absorbed, the spear began to fall to the ground, Selena caught it and as she did, her right ear ring began to glow. She then threw the spear over to Morrigan as she said, "It's obvious you are running low on magic energy, this should help make up for it." Sabrina Sabrina noticed as two of Morrigan's allies showed up, she could sense dark magic in both of them. She noticed when Reggie released the spirit inside him, his power increased dramatically like Morrigan. It was becoming clear that whoever has one of these spirits was seriously strong. She could tell Reggie was just as strong as Morrigan, if not stronger. She decided because Morrigan was low on magic power, she would focus on Reggie. Then Reggie lunched an attack from behind her, shooting a large magic energy blast, she waited for the last second before dodging and as the magic blast approached she laughed as she said, "Thanks, you saved me the trouble of coming after you." Once she was finished talking, she disappeared just as the energy blast hit the ground and exploded. To anyone who couldn't see her movements, it would appeared as if she was vaporized. She reappeared next to Reggie as she went to kick him in the face. The lightning from Godspeed was being contained inside her body thanks to Black Widow, if the kick hit, he wouldn't receive any electric shock however she did not expect to land this hit, it was more a test of his speed.