The humans the wind warned him about walk past one street over while the boy stares blankly up at him. Yu however never takes his eyes off the youth standing stunned down below. He can not help but watch and wait until he eventually rushes off. [i]'He at least looked a little calmer there at the end. I hope my explanation was enough. I'm not sure what would happen if he needs more to feel safe with me around'[/i] Yu shifts a little, legs flopping around a bit while he re-positions himself to get more comfortable. [i]'I mean, I don't plan on ever doing something like that again, I mean it was crazy to do in the first place. But. . .'[/i] He lets out a little kitty huff. [i]'I do not regret it'[/i] With that in mind he shifts one more time before letting himself slip off into a nice warm sleep, the sun coming out from behind the cloud like a blanket of light. Late into the afternoon he wakes, stretching out to his full length while still resting on his side. [i]'I think of creatures like squirrels and mice and I can not imagine having to be so alert all the time[/i] A faint little meowing noise comes out as he rolls on to his stomach to watch a couple pass beneath his arch. The girl looks up at him, giggling at his cute face as his head and arms dangle off the warm stone. He lets out another meow as they pass then he shuffles to his feet fro a quick cleaning before he leaps down to the pathway below. His senses activate and after some wandering back and forth he takes off towards one of his favorite places to get a hand-out. At the edge of the suburb is a little park, and most days a nice old man runs a stall there for the kids full of all sorts of tasty treats. He calls Yu his “special customer” and every time he shows up it's almost as if the man knew he was coming, a plain hotdog cooled and ready for him. Today is no different. As he comes around the corner, the park and stall coming into view, Yu can smell that the man has been cooking. Because meats are always best fresh, he only cooks his frozen meats when the customers ask for them. However there are no people around, but the smell of hotdog still lingers in the air. With a purring myau noise Yu saunters up to the stall and the old man chuckles down at the furry beast. “Ah, there you are. I was wondering when you'd get here.” Scooping up the hotdog he leans down and hands it to Yu. The youkai takes it carefully by the end and wanders over to a bench to eat it. He's not one for eating dirt so he'd rather the bench than the ground. “My special customer is such a dainty eater.” the man says with a chuckle and Yu decides not to respond today. [i]'Do not need another human finding out just how smart this cute little kitty is'[/i] he muses, then with one last look at the man Yu heads off to explore the city. The rest of the day he spends running here and there, checking out various human gathering places. He doesn't want to admit it, but this day of adventuring into the thick of the city is because he doesn't want to face any of his own kind for a while. Many of them know he still has a very strong fondness for humans, and he's not sure if the wind will have told them that something has happened that can be traced back to him. When at last the sun sets for the evening Yu crawls up into his favorite tree near the swimming pool of a small park and unlike most of his feline brethren, he falls swiftly to sleep and sleeps through the night. Once again the sun's brightening of the sky wakes the scared youkai and like a great lump of fur Yu slowly scoots along the branch until he can drop off on to the fence running between the park and the house closest to it. His sensitive little paws lead him automatically tot he archway over the sidewalk even before he feels fully awake and it isn't until the tell tale sound of a familiar sounding bike coming towards him that Yu opens his eyes all the way, turning towards the noise. He crouches low, knowing that he may cause a distraction the boy doesn't really need right now. Once past Yu hops up to watch him go. [i]'I really should find somewhere else to spend my days, I am in deep enough as it is, and if I do not pull away now, I may never be able to pull my way out of all this'[/i] Letting out a faint while Yu lays down on the cool stone and determines that after a quick nap he'll go find somewhere new. However, about an hour before the boy normally comes home from school, passing under his arch for the second time in any particular school day, Yu finds himself rising. The wind licks his whiskers and sides, but without hesitation or even a conscious effort he finds himself jumping down to the wall lining the sidewalk and moving at a fair pace towards the boy's school. He's followed the scent a few times, some time after the boy has taken it, to the building where he gets his education, but this is the first time he's done so when there is a chance of running into him. [i]'Why am I doing this? Did I not say I should pull away before I get hooked? I know I made that decision but. . . .but. . . . I can not do it. Not now. I am already in to deep it seems'[/i] With that final thought Yu takes off at full speed and in no time at all he finds himself sitting on the wall surrounding the school grounds. There he takes up a perch in full view of anyone leaving the school through the front gate, where he's always smelled the boy's scent, and waits.