[quote=Jorick] Fun fact: spamming (as in posting a bunch of nonsense repeatedly, or making a post with tons of images, or with a few super long images that make it annoying to scroll down past your post, or making tons of threads in a short period of time) is against site rules, even in the section titled Spam. The place being called "Spam" means "extraneous nonsense" rather than allowing actual spamming. This means that Broby is dumb for trying to make people be on topic, because that's not a thing in Spam. It's the section for junk that doesn't belong elsewhere, stuff goes off topic all the time and people only whine if it's someone they don't like that's going off topic. [/quote] Hey, not my fault for wanting to stay on topic before we get an explanation for the weird avatars appearing for different people. Still think Mahz is pulling a trick, though.