[quote=BrobyDDark] Hey, not my fault for wanting to stay on topic before we get an explanation for the weird avatars appearing for different people.Still think Mahz is pulling a trick, though. [/quote] There's no trick, you're just failing to see the obvious answer right in front of your face. Kaga changed her avatar (I see the same black and white thing for her avatar), and then Guru came into the thread and did some basic image alteration shenanigans. Notice how Guru has a link to his fucking graphic shop in his sig? He clearly has the know-how to do a basic photoshopping job (though he fucked up the edges of the image of Dick Van Dyke and make it really easy to spot), and the thing he used for Kaga's avatar isn't what she had before changing it to the new thing. I have no idea why you'd jump straight to "Mahz is screwing with me" instead of going for the basic explanation first. You need Occam's Razor in your life.