The Second War of Humanity, as it has come to be known, is over. Those seeking the utter destruction of the Empowered, using the leaders of the Empowered peoples to generate division before the war, were defeated by Julius 'Storm God' Ragnarson and the students at his School of Powers. Now that the war is over, a war that Julius had been preparing for ever since the previous one, the school has been handed over to the control of the only other surviving member of the Council of Elements, Xandus (the Void Chair). Meanwhile, Julius has become President of America after a landslide victory for his vision of a united, equal society of humans and the Empowered with realistic goals and plans. However, society is still heavily divided with a great deal of violence in the dark alleyways of cities across the nation between the Empowered and those seeking to destroy them. But this is no longer Julius' story; he has handed down the baton to his students with the hope that they will change the world on the ground as he strives to do the same in politics. This is the story of Rhiannon and Julia, immediately after the war, in a deeply prejudiced society. Can they overcome the bloodshed, despair and sorrow of their recent history with many of their friends, fellow students and even mentors dead? Will they discover Rhiannon's past together and stop the danger brewing in the shadows, threatening to overturn all the advances in equality gained in the past struggles and throw the world back into an endless struggle between the two races?