[center][b][i]PCMC HQ (northern arctic) - Lecture Hall 2[/b][/i][/center] Deed reached the lecture hall incredibly late. He looked around at the spattered crowd comprised mostly of his underlings. He'd already briefed all [i]these[/i] people. He decides he'll go through the motions anyway. He has a responsibility, and nothing but time. "As most of you know, we're facing a brand new threat. Never before has an extraterrestrial microbe posed a real threat to us. Now one does. Redactia Euripidae, we're calling it. This bacteria causes flu-like symptoms, but it's lifecycle is far shorter than that of flu viruses, so onset is far more rapid. This may not sound dangerous, but the flu has killed billions throughout history, and as a silicon-based germ, we have no effective medicinal countermeasure. We barely understand how the thing works. But, it's killed 107 so far and may kill millions more if we can't find a way to get out in front of it." Deed squirted the excess from a long and menacing syringe before throwing open a curtain to reveal a wide-eyed, orange-jumpsuited man feverishly struggling against restraints. As the convict sees the doctor, he whimpers audibly. For a split-second recognition is visible across his countenance, until it just as quickly slips into a mask of pure despair.