Finished, this was quite enjoyable to write. [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [center][b]I love the scent of melon hand soap.[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Salem [b]Species:[/b] Flesh Doll (He was created by a lich in an attempt to create a new kind of artificial servant.) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] Salem was created exactly two months and five days ago. However, he appears to be seventeen. [b]Occupation:[/b] A lich's assistant of sorts. Salem does odd jobs for his master, and these jobs range from carrying boxes to grocery shopping. [b]Personality:[/b] Curiosity killed the cat, but it can't kill what's already dead. Beneath the blood red eyes and stitches is a curious child with a knack for exploring. The world of Gravetown fascinates Salem and whenever something catches his eye you can expect him to follow after it blindly. Salem has an insatiable curiosity and wants to learn as much as he can. He's gotten into his fair share of trouble, but has always managed to escape without getting too hurt. Most people thinks he has an innocent charm, probably because he's only two months old. Salem's quest for knowledge is a result of his mind being mostly empty. His master made him with an empty head in hopes of filling it with whatever he wanted. He gave Salem a sponge-like brain and as a result the flesh doll is quite the fast learner. At the moment though, Salem doesn't know too much and can be very quiet to the point of seeming apathetic. If it looks like the lad is ignoring you, don't be offended, he's probably just focusing on something and absorbing all the information he can. He still has a lot to learn, but that doesn't mean he's a faceless experiment. Salem is ridiculously gentle and soft-spoken, often doing his hardest to make friends. However, the Salem today might be gone tomorrow, the lad is young and impressionable and his future attitude will pretty much depend on the people who influence him and the things he learns along the way. [b]Bio:[/b] Created with spare body parts, cloth, and other things his master could find. Salem is a flesh doll who was brought to life by a lich. His master was always ambitious and wanted to see if he could create a new kind of artificial servant. The kind that could feel and learn. He wanted to fill his creation's mind with all sorts of things so he gave the boy feelings and a free will. He worked for years and years and the finished result was a quiet and timid flesh doll that he named Salem. His creation learned things quickly and was more sturdy than your average skeleton, so the lich was quite content with the results. Not much has happened to Salem yet. The flesh doll is only two months and five days old after all. Majority of his life has been spent following his master around and doing odd jobs here and there. He's made friends with a few citizens of grave town and helps them out whenever his master gives him a day off. He's become a rather good cook during the span of his young life. Salem has also befriended a lot of animals during the past two months. [b]Stuff you often carry:[/b] A ball of yarn for his cats. They aren't his, but he's very protective of them. [b]Type of magic, if any:[/b] It isn't exactly magic, but he can understand animals. His master thinks it was caused by a slip up during experimentation. [b]Anything else?[/b] + He has a ghost cat named Casper and a skeleton cat named Piper. + Salem doesn't have a stable personality yet. It will change slowly, depending on the people who influence him and the events of the RP. He's very impressionable at the moment, much like a young child. + I love the smell of melon hand soap and rain.