[quote=User] actually if you read the passage he used a bike, thus halving the time it takes. also if someone else walks in on you while your trying to get differences out the way, i can slow it down but it WILL happen eventually. also im basic speeding up. ill edit my post but im in the same school as you, as a small town wouldn't have two schools realistic. [/quote] I read the passage. Even with the bike, the trip wouldn't have been instant. The three should have been able to exchange far more dialogue than they have between the time Doc left to the time he heard their voices. Our replying has been slower than yours because of our schedule conflicts. And it isn't a small town if you've been reading: there are buildings, various shops, a convenient store, and even a hospital established. Cities often have multiple schools--private and public, on top of that. Besides, Drummer already claimed the school for the last week for his character in a much earlier post--you act like Doc is [i]returning[/i] despite this. And you don't need to speed things up for Lillah / Cryus / Steph at the moment. There are still a lot of plot points and character development between them that we need to address: Steph killing a dude, Lillah nabbing pills, Cyrus coming off as more than a little sketchy--to the girls anyway, and their collective agreement to get out of the city (which again, isn't a small town) and into the country. I understand that you want to add to the conflict. However, the three of us have established what we want as role players, so you're going to have to wait. I'm not saying you can't bring Doc into the school. I'm saying that all three of us would appreciate it if you just wait. Besides, I personally think it'd be more interesting if Doc caught them by surprise while they were sleeping or something. Cyrus is a trained solider and an established quick draw--sneaking up on them right now might just get Doc killed, realistically speaking, lol.