Lerafa nodded in acceptance of the title. "Okay, well, it seems Lyna just used a techinique, making it easier to locate her, follow me." said Lerafa going to the Inn's direction. BGM: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf2uNmwohiE]Boss Battle 2[/url] [u]Abandoned Inn Battle[/u] "Girls, i'll leave the Shadow Replicas with you, i'll take care of this 'Kaika'" said Lyna spinning her staff and taking a battle stance. "Roger, damn, why didn't i notice this before. (Lyna, you're a genius...)" Vita changed her Graf Eisen to Raketen form and started to hit the Shadow Replicas. "This space is too narrow for my spells...but i still..." before Hayate could finished the sentence, Reinforce offered to use the Unison. "Oh great idea! Let's go Reinforce!" said Hayate as they fused themselfes, Hayate now had Blonde Hair and green eyes. "Master of the Book, Right here!" said Unison!Hayate as she started to hit the Shadow Replicas with her staff. [u]Team 1[/u] "Long Tomb, Open!" said Haken as he pulled his Long Tomb Special Revolver and shot a large beam at the Replicas, Levi was slashing the Replicas with her weapon in Slicer form, Thomas was using the Kishin Ranjugeki, launching Blue Dragons of Haki energy at the Replicas [u]Team 2[/u] "Xiaomu surfing!" said Xiaomu as she stabbed her Suiren Katana in the ground, creating a tsunami that she started surfing on it, washing the Replicas. BGM: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiHU6z7-Dok]Path to certain Victory EF. version[/url] "It's our time Boy!" said Saya trapping some Replicas in a Orb similar to Xiaomu's Kimon Fuuji. "Don't call me boy!" Reiji growled as he pulled his Shotgun Hollywood, then both started to say a chant while Reiji unloaded his arsenal at the Replicas "Wood fuels Fire!" "Fire creates Earth!" Reiji shots with his Shotgun "Earth bears Metal!" Reiji does four strong slashes with his Karin "Metal carries Water!" Reiji does quick slashes with Chirai "Water feeds Wood!" Reiji unloads his Magnum and the orb and it shatters, then Saya steps in and slashes with two fire swords. "Shunka Banshou...right?" said Saya as the Replicas fell on the ground. "I knew one day you two would have a combination attack." said Xiaomu, Reiji wasn't pleased. "I want a combination attack too." said Axel, like a child. "Mr. Axel, want to play some beach ball?" said Hibiki as she kicked a Shadow Replica at him. BGM: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlQ0ITzGTiY]So close, yet so far away EF. Ver[/url] "Surelly Bikki! BYAKOKO!" said Axel as he slammed his two fists at the Replica, sending it back to Hibiki, she did a shoulder tackle, sending it back to Axel, who in return, did a elbow attack, they repeated the beach for four seconds, Hibiki then kicked the Replica in the air while saying. "Pierce through!" the first half of Axel's catchphrase. Direct and Straight!!" Axel said the second half of Hibiki's catchphrase, jumping very high on the air and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lIcrO5L3aw&feature=youtu.be&t=8m12s]slashing the Replica in half[/url]. *Boss Battle 2 Plays again* [u]Team 3[/u] "All clear here..." said Midori with a stoic expression. "Well, that was fast." said Kaguya. "WHoever, there are more of this forest to explore." said Signum. "Wait a minute." said Midori, feeling Naruto's energy, she did good in memorizing how his energy felt like. "It seems someone is fighting nearby, follow me." said Midori, everyone complied and followed Midori.