Co-Post Jackie Chun Jackie watched his surroundings and had decided to go help the people of Berk, when suddenly two new people came to the arena to help Morrigan. He sighed, it seemed this was going to be difficult. He looked to Selena, the only one who was not being attacked at the moment. He took a deep breath and then thought to himself, that he had to be careful since she was obviously very powerful. Suddenly Uncle came out of his jacket. "Jackieeeeeee, you are right to be cautious as this woman is a killer. One more thing. Don't be too cautious, it will get you killed. One more thing, remember you can beat her if you fight seriously. One more thing, don't worry about hurting her, she does not deserve mercy because she will not show you any. One more thing, stop standing standing around and go attack. You got work to do." Jackie nodded with a 'Yes Uncle' and then went up to Selena, getting ready to fight. He decided to let her attack first, so he could defend. "Hey you, you're fighting me!" He then stood back a little, getting ready for her attack. Selena heard a voice that sounded like a whiny old man, she looked over and saw Jackie, it was clear they were talking about her. As Jackie moved over, she listened to what he had to say then gave a cold stare to Jackie as she said, "If I am fighting you, why are you backing away? Do you really think I don't know what you are doing? You want me to attack first, but how long can you stand there before your uncle starts yelling at you again." Selena sat down on the ground staring at Jackie and waited for his move. Jackie knew what she was saying was true. He sighed and then, teleported behind her, quickly shooting a energy beam. He then teleported back to her front, and jumped up a little, sending another power energy beam at her. Selena simply put up a magic force field that blocked both the energy beams, as she looked back to Jackie. "I know you are stronger than that, since you have a spirit. If you are not going to take this seriously, I won't even have to get up." Selena saw where Jackie was going to land and with a hand on the ground she sent a powerful magic blast to his location. Just as he was about to touch the ground, the magic blast shot out from the ground, giving Jackie less than a second to dodge. Jackie saw the attack coming and quickly teleported on the ground away from the attack, then he sighed in relief. "That was close." He decided he had to get a little more serious now. He pulled out his sword and then stabbed it into the ground, then he channeled magic energy through his sword and sent it underground, within seconds, the magic blast came up to attack Selena. Selena gave a cold stare to Jackie, as she said, "No originality." She got up and jumped out the way of the blast, she then used her magic and blocked the sun out of the arena making the whole arena go dark. She then used dark magic to control the shadows as hundreds of shadow hands came at Jackie. Astrid shot a huge blast of water out of the dragon's mouth, putting out the fire before it hit Blade. Twin Blade pulled out his two swords, he then used his density manipulation to make them stronger and lighter. After that he coated them in dark aura which made them sharper. He then made himself smaller, so small he couldn't be seen by Reptile. He then traveled through the shadows and soon came up through his shadow, as began to swing his two swords he made himself larger again by the time Reptile would of noticed him the swords would of almost hit already. Astrid decided not to attack, knowing he might use her attack against Blade. Ryuji, Raiden and Beast. Ryuji sighed, watching Drayko try and fight an element creature and having no effect. This guy had no imagination. He then saw Drayko's attack heading towards Raiden and Beast, Ryuji quickly jumped in front of the two and ate Drayko's attack as he looked over to Drayko and said, "Those kind of attacks would never work, even if they hit. Try using your head." Ryuji then shot fire out of his feet as he jumped of the ground, sending himself flying towards Assassin. He then shot fire out of his right elbow and went to punch Assassin in the face, when Assassin split his head from his body to dodge, when Ryuji's punch missed, he smiled as his body was spinning right, he shot another burst of fire out of his left knee, spinning him even faster as he kicked Assassin in the face, sending his head flying back. As he landed he looked over to Drayko. "That is how you fight an elemental." Beast watched as Ryuji protected them and then attacked Assassin. He smiled, and saw that Assassin's body was in the open. He ran at it quickly and used his magnetism to levitate the arsenal he carried with him and flung them at Assassin. Raiden thanked Ryuji for the help then teleported over to Assassin's head, he swung his sword trying to cut Assassin's head in half while using biotic slash. Sabrina After Reggie's paper bomb exploded, no damage was done to her or her armor. She smiled as she looked to Reggie. "This armor is made from my hair and hardened by Nen. It's stronger and more durable than diamond. It will take a lot more than a small explosion to damage my armor." It was clear Reggie was fast, and she knew he was strong. One of the conditions for using her snakes had been met. She then looked to Reggie as she asked, "Just for curiosity sake, what will happen if you win, and what do you plan to do with the crystal?" Just then, Sabrina sensed a large ominous power approaching fast as she thought to herself 'This is getting bad'