Good evening everyone. I don't usually talk on this forums, but I would like to discuss something. I have no problems with anyone. In fact, I am give people chances. I enjoy talking to other people, and getting to know anyone. I don't care who you are, you are you. I like that about people. You can learn new things from people. However, I do take offense when I keep seeing a issue arise. Good example, verbally attacking people. Now, I am NOT sharing names (it's only polite), but I am having a issue with someone on this forum. I already addressed the issue with this person, but how can I not let this person continue to do the things they have done to not only me, but to my friends? Is this something that needs to be brought to attention, or what? I don't like writing people off, but it upsets me when my friends are complaining about this person because they keep verbally attacking people. I don't want to write off this person, but it's unacceptable to see this person treat others this way. In fact, others kinda let it happen too.. So how does ANYONE address such an issue? Thank you for your time. ~I know this was a small rant. ~Sweet Plum