Message to the Romans "Please explain how you came to that conclusion, we are intrigued to know when we became the same entity as the Goa'uld. I do not recall any Collective personnel ever flying massive pyramids or declaring themselves Gods, for a start. Secondly, who in the universe are you? Thirdly, I believe you are referring to the Goa'uld conflict with the Asari, yes? Unfortunately for you, there are two problems with your accusation. First of all, the Goa'uld invasion happened before you actually absorbed the Asari, and they had invaded and claimed the world and killed the citizens shortly before, therefore the world did not belong to the Asari Republic, who are obviously not a good republic, when they were absorbed and therefore not yours. Secondly, how did we kill them? The Jaffa are not Collective combatants. Obviously your optical buds must be flawed, because we haven't taken anything of yours. If you attack anything belonging to the Collective, we will return fire and then attack your worlds and claim compensation five times that of what was lost, if you attack our allies, we will attack your worlds and claim compensation for them of 10 times what they lost." Public statement A statement has been released refuting the New Roman claims and also thanking their allies the Sazkarjhit for continuing to provide support. An Umbrae Populus Comedian has made a joke at the expense of the New Romans, releasing a virtual leaflet saying 'The Difference Between Goa'uld and Collective for those of low intelligence'