[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdBrmF6WEqk]BGM - A級異星人"尖兵"[/url] Just like Kaika could do this, Alius sent many energy blades at Lyna, but the energy blades were also fused with Alius's Shadow Essence. "I'll tear you apart, don't even think of escaping either," Alius said, deciding to play it safe with a distanced fight. You could say that Alius was like a coward by not attacking on her own but with the help of her Shadow Replicas and with the fact that she hasn't attacked directly yet. EMBR was a bit relieved that Alius turned out to not be his sister Kaika, but just an impostor. Though, he wanted to know why Alius was able to shift into Kaika's body in the first place, and the more he thought about it, the more he started to realize that maybe the deaths of Kaika and Sota in his time period were involved with the supernatural. "Hey...Rin," he said as he had his suitcase shift into sword mode, the plasma of the weapon began to surround it completely. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCclUgQk1Lk]BGM - Mechanical Rhythm[/url] "I'm gonna take my chances and take this one down," EMBR said before running and jumping into the air above the fight. With the cybernetic exoskeleton he wore under his clothing, EMBR was able to achieve this with his enhanced speed and strength. Moments before he would strike Alius with his sword, Alius turned to see him, blocking his sword with her blade of darkness. However, EMBR had the plasma part of the sword suddenly power up, somewhat shocking Alius in the process. This sudden shock had Alius's left arm fall apart and reveal the shadowy essence inside her. [b]"Scan completed. This figure has many shadows in it's inside, and the fake body can be referred to as the shadows' armor. Much force and power put against the fake body will cause it to fall apart,"[/b] CEE had finished another scan on Alius, managing to analyze her weakpoints from EMBR's first attack on her. "Got it. So her body is just like some armor, well...I'll just break through it!" EMBR said in response to CEE's latest scan analysis from his headset, backing away from Alius as he had the sword shift into a rocket launcher mode. ---- "I am lost.....I don't know where I am....I don't know where my family is...." Tris said with a shrill and shaky voice, not looking up to see Shizuru as she was still shaken and scared by her appearance here.