That wasn't good, not at all. It really seemed like Bernkastel only did half the job, and it looked like the consuls were going to need to clean this mess up. They would have to get her a title, show her all of the ropes, get her some kind of guardian, and hope she doesn't do anything unreasonable. Or rude. You can't exactly be a Witch that is rude, that would just be wrong. However, the biggest thing that worried her was how hesitant Ruby was being. Showing that kinda of weakness to Virgilla was fine, but if she was like that in front of the consuls, that would likely eat her up, and by that, she means break Ruby. Virgilla needed to calm her nerves, so she waved her arm, and summoned a Goat holding a plate of cookies and strawberries, with a glass of milk of course. The Goat bent down on one knee, and offered the sweets to the young Witch. Hopefully, the Goat wouldn't freak out, but who could really be scared of such a cute face. " Relax Ruby, no need to be worried. The life of a Witch is one where all of your dreams will become fulfilled. Once this meeting with the consuls is over, I'm sure you'll feel a lot more relaxed. " Now, all Ruby had to do was eat her cookies and milk, and look forward to the fun of being a Witch. Oh, and then there was the troubles during the training period, but it would probably be best if that wasn't mentioned. At least, for now.