BGM: [url=]That man[/url] "Oh no, EMBR!" Lyna gasped as she saw him getting possessed by Alius ((Why she knew his name? Rin said it loud.)). She needed to use a Exorcism spell to Purge Alius from his body and purify the darkness, but Lyna needed help. "[url=]Lightning Bind![/url]" Hayate declared as she cast the spell in EMBR, holding him in place. "Quick Lyna, we don't want it to run away." said Hayate, Lyna nodded as she started her chant, a magic circle appearing under EMBR. "Earth, Heaven, Hell, I call the powers of the Cicle of Life and Death, The Power of Light that will purge from this being, the intruder that have entered it's shell and possessing it." Lyna spinned her staff, orbs of Light falling like snow appeared, as they all converged to one point. "This will hurt a little, but do not worry, you body is yours alone, as long you're still bound to it, no one should have the right to possess it, EXORCISM MAGIC - GATEWAY OF LIFE!" Lyna declared as she shot a golden orb at EMBR, he started to shine with a golden lightm signaling that the spell was trying to expel Alius and her essence from EMBR. "Be strong EMBR, don't let it overtake you!" said Hayate as Lyna tried her best for the magic to be sucesfull.