Name: “Liam” Gender: Male Age: 17 Height: 5'2" Weight: 61 kg Title: The Eye Hunter, Lights Out Special: Heightened physical ability and sensitivity through symbiosis, very sensitive to fluctuations in emotional states (empathic). Requires constant consumption of souls to remain stable. Just a teensy bit insane. Bio: "Upon reaching the apex of emotion, the soul momentarily becomes encapsulated within the eyes". Such was the thesis published long ago in a land far away. And when a soul is destroyed, a large amount of pure dilute formless energy would be rereleased into the surroundings, to be recaptured within the essence of something new. And given the course of nature, mankind sought to weaponize this new force, and through greed, a world began to rob itself blind. A set of fraternal twins, conditioned differently. One raised to believe that emotions were a fabrication, a mere byproduct of the entirely conscious mind. The other, twisted, subjected to and degraded to the point where all that was left was to curse the world. It was believed that using one as a relay and the other as a conduit through an exchanging of eyes at the height of pain, the contradiction could be formed into a weaponized, chaotic state that could be controlled. But the experiment was a bust, and from the shattered minds of the sacrificed, a twisted abomination was born with a reforged consciousness. "Ah, isn't it just wonderful to be reborn a Monster~" Name: Versvind (Dormant) Type: Symbiote Dimensions: Seven Meters fully extended, 2 meters with tail retracted Weight: Weightless Stats: Strength:0 Armor:0 Firepower:0 Performance:100 Mobility:100 Energy Output:0 (Feeds on Host) Sensors:100 Description: A compact, translucent hunter machina in the shape of a ringed dragonfly. Encased within the core of it’s body lie the blueprints and makeup of Versvind’s original form. Aesthetically, four transparent wings in the shape of recurved tapered ovals extend from a luminescent orb, each beating at a speed impossible for even cameras to catch a glimpse of while in motion. The length and exterior are dotted in unusual places, with frayed mechanical tips lining the underside where the connection is made. The tail is a long cable that rewinds around the length of the body ten times over, ending in a makeshift mechanical clasp that can both extend and retract, with a recess in the centre for various purposes. As for the head unit, the two eyes are dotted hexagons that extend all the way to the underside, giving the machine perfect peripheral vision, a full 360 in all 3 dimensions, that constantly rotate in place. Two metal mandibles extend from each side of the face, acting less for tearing then as for holding a target in place, while a gap exists in between that allows for the absorption of matter. Weapons: Paralytic venom hidden in the recess of it's tail. Abilities: Matter Reconstruction: Able to consume and reconstruct matter into it’s original form but does so rather inefficiently, thus requiring either high grade or a massive amount of raw resource to fully reforge it’s body. Is capable of partial formations, and can form these parts over existing machinery or matter. Capable of creating semi-autonomous lifeforms. Name: Versvind (Armor) Type: Super Robot Dimensions: Roughly 20 meters high Weight: ??? (Dependent) Strength:70 Armor:50 Firepower:0 Performance:20 Mobility:60 Energy Output:0 (Feeds on Host) Sensors:100 Description: Black Humanoid machina with numerous wings sprouting from its back. Has a consciousness of it's own. Hides numerous mouths in small recesses dotted all over it's body, with an eye nestled in the centre of each. Weapons: None Ability: Teleportation: Point to Point transfer, as far as the Eye(s) can see Petrification(State of Preservation): Must satisfy two conditions: 1. Direct Eye Contact 2. In a state ready for consumption [youtube]jFDBs7N8e4A[/youtube]