[b]Kepler F[/b] With the enemy pressing the attack, the Federation has sent the 1st Defense Fleet in an attempt to pass the test. It is comprised of one million warships and enough troop transports for a continental invasion. A message has been transmitted from the arriving fleet to the enemy, just before the attack. "This test is certainly harder than the previous ones, you're actually trying to give a good test instead of simply assuming that you'll trample all over us. Once we pass the test, we look forward to establishing relations with your people." [b]Planetary Disappearance[/b] The Federation fleet sent a message to the Supremes as they had requested. "This fleet contains approximately twenty million warships, most of which are Abh and Dolphin. As this new threat escaped unscathed, we will need to bring in the rest of the Operation Phantom Flame fleet for this. You have our cooperating with the plan." As the message finished transmitting, more wormholes opened up and starships poured out of them. The blue glow surrounded the entire planetary system, and the arriving ships adjusted their warp drives so as to create an antigravity effect, preventing the disruption of planetary orbits. The original fleet was huge, but the one that now stood in the system was larger than simple logic would allow it to be given the released territory data of the Federation. There could be more personnel stationed on the ships of the fleet than there are stars in the Milky Way, more than were killed in the Common Sense War. The system was flooded with transmissions, the newly arriving ships reporting in. All the Admirals assigned to Equestrian space were there, Spoor, Emily, Fergus, and Yuuki. The numbers of the fleet were well into the billions, more powerful than anyone who had lived before First Contact could have ever imagined. The flagships opened up a channel with the Supreme fleet, grouping all of them together to form a kind of conference call. Surprisingly, there was another fleet in the area, led by a ship painted white in stark contrast to the black void of space. The commander of this vessel was the first to speak. "1st Abh Imperial Fleet reporting in, Empress Ablïarsec Néïc Dubleuscr Bœrh Parhynr Lamhirh ((Empress Lafiel)) commanding." The other fleets began to report in as well, falling in behind the 1st Fleet. "Combined Federation War Fleet, reporting in. Admiral Fergus McClain commanding." "2nd Abh Imperial Fleet reporting in, Admiral Spaurh Aronn Saicspath Nimh Laitpanr Painaich ((Spoor)) commanding." "Cooperative Aid Fleet reporting in, Admiral Emily Smith commanding." "Cooperative War Fleet reporting in, Admiral Yuuki Sora commanding." "Now that we've got that out of the way, you're going to need help with that portal. This fleet is a bit too big to fit through a small one. " Said Admiral Spoor, for once in her life sounding exited.