[b]Supreme Portal-making[/b] A message was sent to all the ships in the fleet, by way of a simple shockwave-broadcast: [i]Alright, folks. We'll start them up, you power them. Once they're big enough, we can keep them open, and allow you all through. We'll be sending our Corvettes in first: follow the blue light trails, and avoid the yellows. Don't worry about green trails. Blue trails are behind our electronic warfare Corvettes, so they'll be leading a safe path. Yellows are destroying any type of explosive or weapon, and greens are escorts. Connect to our public network, and we'll set up friend-or foe tags above all known friendlies, neutrals, and targets. We will designate high-priority targets and create zones for each fleet to stay in, to prevent crashing. Does everyone have the ability to add overlay to 3- or 4-D holographic maps?[/i]