[b]Mars[/b] A simple task, Adam thought to himself. The rest of the Presidential Council should have never trusted him, ever. He pulled the a small handgun from his belt, standard AIF military design. It would work perfect for what he was planning. He entered the apartments, easy to since he had access and he specifically gotten Dmitri's guards out of the way for this. He entered one of the apartments, and there he was. Dmitri seemed surprised, but backed down when he saw the weapon. "No longer Dmitri, your the only one aware of the rebellion. But it is much more then Capitalism now, its about seeing that the terragens are recognized as superior. Robert and I shall build a Empire." said Adam coldly, popping two shots in to Dmitri's head. Adam left, knowing that he took care of a obstacle. [b]Rebellion on a AIF World[/b] A rebellion has broken out on a AIF colony! They are doing so to remove the doctrine and force the government to recognize Terragens as superior to all other sentients.