Collab: Lucius, Luna and Ryonara Although the Dinning Hall was well defended, the sheer number of demons invading would occasionally cause a break in the defenses, forcing the defenders to move back and take out the demons for the next wave arrived. This current wave managed to get a few [url=]slasher demons[/url]. They were fairly fragile as far as demon durability went (Meaning that a guard could slay one himself if he fights smart) but they were most dangerious because of their speed and sharp rending claws, which would make even the guards steel armor useless. Three of the slasher demons broke in, killing five guardsmen. The rest tried to fight back, but blocking was useless against them. One guard learned this when she tried to charge at a slasher demon with her sword and shield, but her shield and sword was cut in half with a swipe from the demon. She fell to the ground and screamed out as the demon raised his claw up to kill the guard. Colette, who was walking around the campus, stopped when she heard the scream of a female coming from nearby. Concerned and curious she ran swiftly towards the spot where the noise was coming from. Once her marron eyes landed on the sight she grew disgusted at the creature before her. [i]'What in the world is that?[/i] she thought with completely disgust. Seeing the creature about to land another attack on the poor girl, she ran at it and jumped on it, holding its neck with her small but strong hands distracting it so the guard could get away.. She struggled as it began to fight back against her but she managed to keep her grip her eyes darkening with deep fustration and anger seeing she wasn't even close to killing it wih her bare hands but since she left her trusty bats at her dorm room, she had no choice but to fight back herself. The demon was about to strike the killing blow when he felt something wrap around his neck. He did not exect any mortal to be able or even willing to try to do something like this, and he began to flail his body around to get rid of the vampire. He managed to get his hands on Colette and threw her off of him, coughing a lot due to the fact that she nearly snapped his neck. The other two Slasher Demons took notice of Colette and began to approach her, seeing her as the biggest threat so far. She narrowed her eyes bitting her lip knowing she was trapped, but before they could get her she felt something telling her to call out for an ally and just as they were close enough she did so and managed to summon a small bat demon that dove straight for the enemies biting them each. Colette looked shock at the sight and looked at her hands as the bat continued to fight aganst the enemies. Seeing a chance to get to the guard, she took it and ran to the wounded guard helping her up being carefully to not josile her too much and cause more pain. "Hang in there I will get you out of here okay!" she said to girl. The Slasher Demons were once more caught off guard when the vampire girl managed to summon a demon of her own. Granted, it wasn't a very big or even particully strong demon. It was a bat demon, but aside from being agressive it wasn't even all that different from a normal bat. Still it was annoying, causing the demons to try to kill it, but to no anvil. It was much to small and fast for their claws to actually hit it. During the confused flailing, one of the Slasher Demons actually ended up killing another Slasher Demon, when an attempt to catch the bat cause the demon to cut it's ally from shoulder to waist. This made the remaining two demons turn their attention back towards Colette, remembering who the real threat was. The bat continued to battle them and bit one of the slasher demons hard to cause its fangs to go deep into its enemy. Colette continued to watch her ally battled against the two with bewilderness and curiosity at the sight. [i]'What the...How is a bat suppose to win this battle....How the heck did I summon it....?[/i] She thought almost getting lost in her thoughts but mentally slapped herself and pay more attention to the battle. Seeing the slasher demons somewhat distracted she took her chance to get the wounded guard out of danger. Once she was a good few yards away from the battle site she set her down carefully before returning in case the bat needed some help from her. When the Slasher Demons began to walk towards one of the students who had rescued the guards, a flash of green shot across one of the demons. One of the demons was on the ground, a foot shaped mark on it's head. Meirin stood between the demons and the other student armed with her three sectional staff. [b]"You have to get away quickly! I'll handle this!"[/b] The demon swiped at Meirin, but she charged forward and underneath it's claws. Spinning her weapon to gain momentum, she slammed one side into the demon's face, causing visible damage. but it wasn't quite dead yet as it kicked Meirin away. She braced herself quickly enough that she was able to block the kick, but it still sent her flying. she landed on her feet no worse for wear, right next to Colette. Meirin's never seen this girl before. For a moment she almost mistook her as Satori due to her bright pink hair, but since it wasn't the Psychomancy teacher Meirin simply looked at the girl. [b]"It's too dangerious for you right now, you should head back with the other students while we take care of this."[/b] Though to be honest, they needed all the help they could get. Ssarak was busy fighting his own battles right now and Meirin herself just barely managed to get away from a tight spot. Meirin was a bit wounded, bleeding heavidly from scars on her arms and legs. Colette looked at Merlin confused. [i]'Who is that and why is she telling me to run....No way am I backing down'.[/i] she thought narrowing her eyes slightly. "Heh I won't back down from a fight." she said before turning her head back to the battle noticing the swords at the slasher demons waist. "Hey you...I think I know how we can defeat them." She said looking to Merlin. Better sense would have made Meirin tell the girl she needed to go, but right now the girl didn't want to flee. She was either brave or foolish, but either one could help her now. Meirin got into a fighting stance as the demons made their way towards the two, getting ready for two deadly attacks when the girl told her how they could defeat the demons. Meirin figured that bashing them around with her staff ought to do the trick, but she supposed if the girl had an idea they ciould go for it. She'd need to be fast though. [b]"What are you thinking?"[/b] "See those swords those things have." she pointed to them as her bat continued to fight biting the other one. "While my...bat ally, I am guessing what it is, continues to fight and distract them we can use those swords to finish them off." Colette said as the plan continue to form as if it was a movie. "We need to finish this fight now before someone comes by and gets hurt as well." she said the blood smell begining to give her headache and she rubbed her head, a sure sign she had a headache. Slowly she got closer to the enemies and took the sword she saw and stabbed the one that her bat ally was not battling right in the head. Looking at the swords the girl pointed out, Meirin figured that she had a point, obvious as it was. Meirin's plan was always to kill the demons before they managed to hurt others, though now she did regret breaking her hook swords on that other demon before. Blades seem to be most effective against these demons even though they themselves had very sharp claws. Before Meirin could act the girl already left ot stab one of the demons in the head. [b]"She has guts I'll give her that..."[/b] Meirin looked at the sword she could take. While the girl's bat distracted the slasher demon, Meirin threw her three-sectional staff at it. The slasher demon saw this and cut the staff into four seperate parts but missed Meirin, who had picked up the sword and jumped up to stab it in the head. Try as they might to ignore the bat, the Slasher Demons couldn't ignore the bat's poisonous bites. Even though it could hardly bite deep enough to make them bleed, it still hurt a lot. They at least made sure to stay far away from each other so they didn't kill one another like before, but thanks to seperating they couldn't watch each othe'rs backs. One of the demons was blind sided by Colette after her bat had fled from him, and before he could react he had a sword go through his head. His body went limp and fell to the ground, dead. The other Slasher demon became to claw feriouscouly all around, and in his wild slashing he managed to destory Meirin's staff weapon. But like the other demon, he too was blind sided by Meirin and got stabbed in the head, falling dead on the floor. With the three demons dead the college guard could go back to securing the entrances of the Dinning Hall. The guardswoman that Colette saved stopped by to thank her and gave her a small ether to restore her magics, before she went back with the other guards to help defend the Dinning Hall. When it seemed like the demons were killed, Meirin looked down at her broken staff. Now all she had was some of the guardsmen weapons and her own daggers. She looked around for some other weapon she could use and traded her sword for a steel spear. It was a bit heavier and longer than what she was used too, but it won't be too hard for her to adapt. Meirin looked over to the other girl who helped her kill the Slasher Demons with new found respect. Meirin thought the girl would be too soft to be of any help, but Meirin was wrong. walking over to her the red-haired woman bowed. [b]"Sorry for trying to order you around a little while ago. I didn't think you were a fighter. Nice job. My name is Meirin Kurenai."[/b] "It's alright I dont look much iike a fighter with my victorian looking dress, perhaps I should use some cloth in in my room to make something...I don't have more up to today's fashion." she said pointing her bloody stained dress as her bat ally landed on her shoulder making her pause in what she was going to say and look at it. She smiled and turned her head to Merlin. "I am Colette nice to meet you and you are a good fighter to." Certainly a strange girl, but the college had a way of attracting all sorts of unique people. [b]"Thanks. Anyways, we should get ready for the next attack; seems like there's no end to these demons..."[/b] Sure enough outside the dinning hall more demons were on their way, and the guardsmen were slowly dwindling down. Meirin took a deep breath and began to move her arms, legs, and body in a methotical fasion, even though she was holding her spear. She was using one of her Vitamancy Weaving magic; a simple spell that would mend some of her lighter wounds. Her cuts were healed and she stopped bleeding, but once she dance was over her breath was heavy. Even though the dance was suppose to heal her, it did nothing to restore the blood lost to cast it. It was a bit of a double edge sword in that regard. [b]"Anyways... Let's... Let's get going..."[/b] Meirin's voice was panting but determined. She wasn't about to let a little blood sickness slow her down. Colette nodded somewhat annoyed about the non stop demons but quickly got over it. [i]'Oh well better get used to it.'[/it] She thought as they headed towards the dining room where most of the fighting was at. "Where are all these things coming from?" She muttered as she looked around the dinning hall. As the two girls went back to battle, another wave of demons were on their way. [url=]Fearsome demons[/url], [url=]some[/url] [url=]of[/url] [url=]the[/url] [url=]best[/url] [url=]amongst[/url] [url=]them[/url]. There was a total of twenty-six in the group, and they were sent to break the guardsmen line and open a path for the demons to come in. By now the Dinning Hall was fitted with a little under three hundred guardsmen, even spread out to make sure no side was weaker than the other. But many were injured or weakened, and they had very few healers between all of them. But not all was lost yet; the current demonic wave was indeed the best they had, and should they fail to break the line the demon horde would be stuck with their fairly generic demons who relied soley on brute strength, and their leader. With the elites dead the demons would be heavidly demoraltized, allowing for a proper counter attack to drive off the rest of the horde.