[center][b]Paranatural Countermeasures Conglomerate Headquarters — Onsite Gym [/b][/center] Jamie had become used to Sean's stand-offish manner, some days she even got two words from him, though today was not one. Still, he'd never gone out of his way to be rude to her, she understood this was just the way he was, and it wasn't about to change. Soon, they were joined by another in the gym, Marissa. Dressed in her leotard and sneaker heels, she looked like something out of a Lady Gaga video. Still, Jamie had to give her credit. There was no way in hell she could move like that in heels, 4 inch heels were the peak of her limits, however that was for walking, not working out. Jamie gave her a slight smile and wave, sending a quick "hey"'her way before returning to setting up her weights. Cranking her music on her iPhone, when she worked out she liked to put herself in "the zone" with no distractions but a pumping tune, and her repetitions counting in her head. Selecting Déjà Voodoo's Brown Sabbath album, she seated herself to be ready for her tricep pull downs. Dripping her hands on the padded bars, she pulled down, counting to herself as the music blared in her ears. "1.....2....Today tomorrow Timaru That's where I left you Washdyke Temuka Dunsandel Rolleston Templeton Hornby Rakaia I've been thinking about leaving this town Saying goodbye to Caroline Bay Since you left me how can I be happy here....10...11...12..." Jamie continued in her head as she continued the repetitions. Thinking about the song playing, she began to wonder what Timaru was like. Years ago, she'd had a housemate from New Zealand, or a Kiwi as he referred to himself as. He'd been kind enough to introduce her to some decent Kiwi music, and for that she was thankful. She soon snapped out of her mini daydream, realising she had indeed lost count. "Damn it!" She cursed aloud, shaking her head and starting again, this time being sure not to let herself become immersed in the music. "1....2...3....." She got this far before feeling the vibrations of her personal terminal indicating se had a new message. Her triceps would have to wait. Sighing, she silenced the music in her ears before logging on. Reading the message, it was a quick one. She'd become used to not knowing what to expect when a new message arrived. Sometimes it could be a full mission brief, other times a notification to appear to meet, like this one. Figuring it was best not to keep anyone waiting, she began to pack up, deciding to leave her gym gear on until after. There would always be time to change later. Besides, she had only just begun her workout, she had barely any time to break a sweat, so she wouldn't be gracing everyone with her presence by smelling like sweat. The sound of her sneakers squeak, squeak squeaked her way along the concrete floor as she made her way to Intel Block G14 for the mission brief, her gym towel slung over her shoulder and water bottle in hand, it wasn't too far from the gym to the Intel Block. Quietly letting herself in as not to interrupt anybody, she stood quietly in the room, ready for the briefing to begin.