[hider=Geoffrey Lenser][center][IMG]https://24.media.tumblr.com/36736abdf40529d038904b5abe05b05e/tumblr_mh3cd0Dw651s42lr6o1_500.jpg[/IMG][/center] ____________________________________________________________________ [b]Name:[/b] Geoffrey Lenser [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Grade:[/b] Sophomore [b]Social Class:[/b] Wealthy [b]Social Class Explanation:[/b] Geoffrey's parents are famous for being known as 'tech gods' or maybe perhaps they aren't what they seem to be in any of that term's prospect. His father is the co-CEO of one of the largest and productive video game companies in the United States. Being a part of it for almost 20 years would would always define the riches of what Geoffrey possess mostly stashing to video game trends and the latest gadgets or gaming accessories. His mother also works for the same company as a marketing supervisor. ________________________________________________________________________ [IMG]http://media.tumblr.com/d4a0c81e548383286377bbaae045c591/tumblr_inline_mlywayNlZI1qz4rgp.gif[/IMG] ________________________________________________________________________ [b]Personality:[/b] Geoffrey is, what others would say, the epitome of a spoiled child driven by improper disciplines. Though a large percentage of it is true, there are, however, some convincing facts which might reconsider the thoughts and views towards him. Geoffrey is a very sociable young man and does whatever it takes to be at the top of the social ladder. Sometimes it might be a good factor for him to have such trait. He'll always be open for friendship mainly because he often uses his status of wealth as a trademark for the process. Of course, who wouldn't want to befriend a guy who mostly has everything in the technological world? There might be some who don't but it will never outnumber the majority of people living in a century where progress is evident. Geoffrey is also a gentleman in front of the ladies but only to the extent of good-looking and attractive ones. Anyone who doesn't fit his aesthetic standards will most likely be ignored for the rest of their lives. As for guys, his aesthetic standards wouldn't be a requirement but rather, one must be famous or have a considerable social status throughout the academy. Mostly some of it will be seen through him through first meetings whereas, the true hateful side of Geoffrey is often concealed not unless someone becomes significantly close to him. For the most part, Geoffrey is arrogant, cowardly, envious, narcissistic and is always driven towards his beliefs of others. Although Geoffrey isn't clever or the smartest, he has his own made-up philosophy scaled within the depths of his ego. Opinions of others are just like thin breezes that will never have the slightest impact towards his beliefs. He dislikes being corrected when he doesn't want to, resulting to several conflicts in group activities or class participations though he doesn't usually show this kind of trait on a regular basis. While he ignores the opinions of other people, there will always be a tendency where he would try and make his own opinions noticeable by everyone. He would always believe that his ways and ideas are better and suitable for any given situation though in reality, he isn't exactly a teacher's favorite. It is in the social world where signs of his unwanted personality is often exhibited. At first, he can be the friendly 'good-looking' guy everyone wants to hang out with but once someone becomes connected with him for a considerable amount of time, Geoffrey might reveal his true nature depending on how he wants to treat the particular person. He will always find ways to get what he wants and is often spoiled when in front of his parents. He is conceited and vanity runs throughout his outlook. If one would check his social networking profiles, there are often updates and photos about him posted at a nearly frequent time lapse. The worst is when he turns violent and cruel over commoners and anyone who couldn't adapt very well to academy's environment. He would endlessly criticize those people without reflecting back to his cruel words. Overall, his personality is something a typical person would hate but fortunately for Geoffrey, he never runs out of friends. There will always be a lot of pretentious people surrounding him mainly for the reason of his technological wealth or he can be a very intimidating ally. _______________________________________________________________________ [IMG]https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9p9kqaFth1r7wuhyo1_500.jpg[/IMG] _______________________________________________________________________ [b]History:[/b] Born and raised with excessive indulgence, care, support and lots of spoon feeding, It wouldn't be a surprise why a boy such as Geoffrey grew up to be a spoiled kid. When he wants something, he will automatically possess it only if he gets his parents' approval but in most occurrences, it would certainly be approved since Geoffrey's parents are always favorable towards him. Geoffrey is the only child and in most cases, his parents are always there for him. They will always find a way to make their son happy and contented for the reason of having a 'responsible parent' outlook towards others but in truth, as how others would view Geoffrey, they certainly aren't. They are a lot more ignorant than what they never had thought with the child growing up to lack discipline and proper conduct. However, as ignorant as they were, they managed to realize the wrong things they had done and took quick actions to change their son. Eventually, Geoffrey was taught and disciplined but what his parents thought as something that might open for some changes in him, turned out to be something worse. Ever since Geoffrey was in elementary school, teachers would often approach his parents, giving complains on how he acts and behaves in school. Teachers told he often bullies kids who are always alone or doesn't belong to any group and to make things worse, he is violent towards them, badmouthing them up to the point where they would end up in tears. Geoffrey's parents thought they did the right thing on disciplining him but all their actions never gave progress and just made things worse. At that time, they used different measures and started to scold Geoffrey. It worked on the first tries but after a week, the boy became much more violent than before until the parents couldn't handle everything by themselves. Nannies were hired, along with disciplinarians and anyone who can do a decent job on watching Geoffrey. His parents thought the method might work and ease their son's violent behavior. As busy as they were, they trusted the people they hired and hoped it would bring some changes. Fortunately, it did but only through a slight progress but it was better than not having any. Teachers then told Geoffrey's parents that his behavior was beginning to be calm. But that wasn't the end of it. Soon, Geoffrey went back to his old ways, only then he was less violent than before. He developed an envious trait towards others who are practically better than him. Sadly, he created paths for his insecurities to emerge but staying silent was how he portrays it not until he becomes volatile about it. As Geoffrey grew up into a teenager, he became less and less violent but his personality still wasn't likable by some. His decent appearance and wealth was the one that helped him climb on top of the social ladder, knowing that it was the only thing he can rely on. He developed arrogance, narcissism and was still a spoiled kid. He is also cowardly at times when he couldn't handle the situations he is facing but on top of that, he became friendly with others. Geoffrey's parents then knew the famous Caelbuy Academy and immediately thought it was a great opportunity to help develop their son into a better person. They made plans to send him there and Geoffrey agreed as he clearly wanted to start carrying his own volition without people saying he is a 'mama's boy'. [b]Extracurricular activities:[/b] Tennis & Basketball [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] ~Geoffrey often misunderstand slangs and assumes he knows their meaning very well ~His jokes are always forced, also making people around him laugh along. ________________________________________________________________________ [IMG]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1m2wfk9lV1r99f4t.gif[/IMG] ________________________________________________________________________ [/hider] [hider=RS] __________________________________________________________________________ [IMG]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me0jh0ViNc1rhvrtso1_500.gif[/IMG] __________________________________________________________________________ [b]Acacia Hawthorne:[/b] "Heh, I wouldn't mind making fun of Ms. President. She looks rather intimidating to others but not for me. I would like to hang around with her sometimes...you know, play with her a little bit and know something about her that I might sabotage later on...WAHAHAHA! I'm just kidding, Geez! Since everyone foolishly wants to be her best friend, I'm afraid I might go ahead and try and see how it feels like to be one" [b]Jacob Rockwell:[/b] "This dude has some problems which I really don't give a single shit about. Luckily, he isn't my roommate, otherwise I'd lose myself if he is since I don't really want to hang around problematic people. Though I gotta respect him as being the JROTC commander, the guy's got some guts!" [b]Julie Scott:[/b] "12 Languages? Well, Can she speak the language of 'shut the fuck up'? Oh I'm just kidding. She's fine looking though and I'm anxious to play around her multi-language gift for a while. She could be the Google translator in class." [b]Max Wallenberg:[/b] "HAHAHAHA!! his last name's a joke. I should really try saying burger indirectly everytime I am near him WAHAHAHA!!. But nah, that wouldn't be worth of my time. I don't like the guy, he's a lot more pretentious than what others don't know. Also, I shouldn't try to pick on him anytime soon since he is a senior." [b]Wren Sinclair:[/b] "So, we have future drug-addicted child star in the making eh? But before I could see that unfortunate day consume her, I just want to tell how pretty she is and I wouldn't mind to waste a worthless time in going out on a pretentious date. She is kinda strong though knowing the fact that her life will be miserable soon enough" [b]Eliza Herring:[/b] "Oh, so she's Ms. President's goody-goody bff...right? I wonder what are the rumors about them. People tell that they actually get along well while others are just negative comments saying that they're just being plastic towards each other. But nah, that's all girly drama stuff but I do want to confirm if they're lesbians or not cuz if they are, that would be sooooooooo coooool duuude!!" [b]Alena Rurik:[/b]Hey! Ever heard of those Russian jokes? Where you say 'In Soviet Russia' blahblahblah shit? Well I'd like to try and joke some of those with her and see how well she reacts to those stuffs. God! that sounds fun!. But no, maybe I'm not gonna try it but I will soon enough and I will make sure there are people behind me who are ready to laugh along. Wait, She's a lot taller? Then why is she at school when she can be at the zoo with her giraffe family?" [b]Alex Harrowling:[/b] "ooooooh little boy is afraid to hang out with everyone eh? Let's see how awkward he can be once I embarrass him in front of society. But meh, obviously the guy's a total weirdo freak. He is often buried with lots and lots of paper. Seriously, how can anyone tolerate boredom from the likes of reading books? Stupid logic" [b]Tomika Marias:[/b] "Who? Oh yeah, the non-existent ghost who echoes beneath the school halls asking about The Ring stuffs and shit. I heard she gives people some sort of curse if they become deeply connected with her but well, DUUHH!! all ghosts are cursed!. What is fencing by the way?" [b]Aoife Abbot:[/b] "Woah there! Isn't she one of those tough silent girls we see in the movies? No need to pretend you are tough girl cuz we aren't in the big screen. However though, she is kind of attractive and I wouldn't mind if she resists on hanging out with me since It isn't my fault that I'm much more irresistible towards the ladies than all of the other guys out there. Though I don't like her being all alone. Kinda makes me wanna think there's something wrong with her." [b]Jack Riley:[/b] "Well Well Well, Some Commoner seemed to be brave enough to be like me eh? Well I gotta admit that I'm the embodiment of perfection and I can't deny the fact that everyone wants to be like me WAHAHAHA! but Man! Isn't this guy the worst? I'm still waiting for that glorious day when his stupid face will finally be hit by a damn fat truck. God bless him" [b]Connor MacQuarrie:[/b] "Insolent little....! I don't know why people are often drawn to his liveliness. The guy is obviously injected with steroids and is always in-love with himself. See? can't you guys just see the truth? He's a total freak you can find from X-men! except he isn't really THAT cool. Other than that, he is hellishly annoying and I don't want him to be around me. I might be infected by his 'eww' virus" [b]Silas Eberhardt:[/b] "Nerd! Yes with a capital N. I hate nerds, I really....really do. Why do they even bother existing when they have no place in the social world? Oh wait, I get it! so that they could do the cool kids' homework and actually pretend that we are temporary friends with them? but really, I thought they were smart and not desperate. But then again....Nerd!" [b]Luke Clark:[/b] "Ohgod! My nerdy Commoner roommate, Gross! I don't know why this damn Academy had me confined with such creatures when It's clear that I don't want to be anywhere near them. Why?! Am I not good enough for you?!!!. But seriously though, this dude is just weird. I was trying to be all goody-goody with him but NOOOO!! he just have to ignore me and go do some of his nerd shit! Damnit! This is why nerds don't have friends." [b]Geoffrey Lenser:[/b] "Bow down before me Commoner peasants! Know your place and don't expect to ascend very easily....'cuz you WON'T!" [b]Rodeo Colton:[/b] "Commoners all over the place! Since when did a school for rich kids became a school for unfortunate poor people? It's so confusing that it makes me wanna smack my face with a hammer but no...just kidding. The ladies would probably die if they see their precious turn into an ugly mole rat. So about him....Is there anything special? I'm afraid not! because he's a commoner, DUH! But I really want to see how much he can do. Who knows? this dude might have more potential and prove everyone that commoners ain't got shit. Well, GOOD LUCK WITH THAT" [b]Arietta Rosetti:[/b] "Geez! can't she be more annoying than she is right now? She's like a seven-year-old elementary scrub who doesn't know when to mature. Or maybe those children celebrities whom people mistakenly describe as 'cute'. Seriously? The only thing cute about her is when she doesn't say a word to freakishly annoy the hell out of me. And she is a singer? Yeah right. As if a child who makes your ears bleed endlessly is considered a singer." [b]Aurora Hart:[/b] "Who? Oh yeah another sophomore just like me. Heh, I don't even know her honestly but she should be careful on choosing people. This is a very dangerous jungle my friend" [b]Abelia P.K. Whitewoode:[/b] "Woah there! this chick is actually a tennis player?! Awesome! I'd be willing to accept her as the female varsity player of the academy. I have to be honest though, she's really pretty. I wouldn't mind if she asks me out on a date or something 'cause duh! every girl in school would be happy to hear a 'yes' from me" [b]Brenden Aldrin[/b]: "Let's say I've been inside his office a couple of times for reasons even I couldn't understand. I mean, really? he calls himself the principal? I thought of him as someone who often abuses the power given to him. Such a corrupt hoe! and he always took me as one of the bad guys. Honestly, I was just making friends out from lonely people and NOT HURTING THEM! I think he's just dumb for some reason and I couldn't tell why. He's just jealous of me because you know what? I'm popular and It's clear he wasn't like me when he was at my age. Heh, I bet he was even made fun of back in the days and now he's coming back for revenge and give the same treatment he had to us students. Man, what a loser" [b]Hayden Hawthorne:[/b] "Little miss president's brother...hmmm. I have no issues with him but I have to respect that dude's protectiveness over his sister. I mean, I have no siblings and it's actually better to not have one, I just don't know, I don't even understand their relationships. But meh, I won't give a shit about it, though it'll be a lot entertaining to watch them fight in-front of everyone. Siblings often do that right?" [b]Flynn Zimmerman:[/b] "Eh, I got bored out of him. Nothing interesting. Boring boring boring boooooooooorring!! his subjects makes me yawn a lot but wait, I think everything in school does! I just hope they allow us to bring pillows in class because maaaan! this dude is just stronger than a lullaby." [b]Alli Kendrick:[/b] "For once I actually get slightly motivated when listening to her discussions. Like you know what? This teacher is actually a chick! I mean no perversion but she's actually a lot more of a student than a teacher. My buddies secretly told me she's a MILF which I actually find funny? hahahaha .....I'm sorry but anyway, not to throw my disrespect on her or anything, but she's the least boring teacher I could find." [b]Saul Kirschenzweig:[/b] "He's last name is funny, can anyone actually pronounce it properly without having your own tongue explode? I think not. But seriously, Is he German? I bet he's an immortal soldier from the Nazis and he's here to give us his curse. Eh, I don't know. I have no clue what this dude does" [b]Jaycen Pierce:[/b] "Ah, this dude's alright. I've been with him several times through tennis and basketball practice and he's my kind of teacher. He's my favorite but I don't actually like the rumors people kept spreading about him. It kinda give me the 'eh' look after hearing his true sexuality. I don't know exactly what they meant but I'll just have to pretend they are all just 'rumors'. Mr. Pierce is kinda nice so just leave him alone! jealous bitches!" [b]Liam Matthews:[/b] "Who? Oh right, wait what huh? who's he again?" __________________________________________________________________ [IMG]http://media.tumblr.com/59a2baa3c39c59e7503f12e82f69d048/tumblr_inline_mlywfwGL3h1qz4rgp.gif[/IMG] __________________________________________________________________[/hider]