[indent]Chick, who was now stuck in an enclosed room with a beast, was beginning to question her ways of doing things. After stumbling into the room, she steadied herself and turned around to face Eugene. She took a few precautionary steps back, stopping until she felt a cold stony surface against her heels; it was the bathroom sink. Chick leaned against it while she calmed herself mentally. However, what she was doing wasn't working in the least, she balled up her fists and watched Eugene's every move, expecting the worst. That's when she noticed Eugene was smirking--not that she was confident it was a smirk, after all, how can a dog smile? Her gaze followed as he slid down into a sitting position.[i]Getting a bit too comfortable there, don't you think?[/i] "Girl?" Chick echoed, feigning interest. It seemed as if she wasn't his main focus for now. Realizing that, Chick's posture changed completely; she slumped her shoulders back, putting more weight on her left elbow, which was supporting her slanted body as she leaned against the sink. She listened to him finish talking and took a few seconds to put things together.[i]Hmmmm...[/i] Chick lifted her elbows, slunk down to kneel, making sure that her button down shirt was still covering her. "What do you want to know?" She asked, but this time she was fully interested.[/indent]