[center][b]Dec 1, 2022 Floor 1, Labyrinth Level 2[/b][/center] Nick stood before Primg, noting its health drop, though not by much. Scattering could be heard behind, letting him know that the others must be have left or died. The party group showed Namora was not in the area. [i]Good, now to make my escape.[/i] Primg was still stunned from the critical hit, giving Nick the time to make his move. Taking off toward Primg, Nick opened his menu, the baby spiders giving chase. [i]I have one shot, hope I can hit it.[/i] As he reached Primg, Nick slide under the beast while pulling out a teleport crystal. This made the spiders behind him to go around their parent to continue their hunt. [b]"[/b]Teleport: Town of Beginnings![b]"[/b] His vision began to go white. [center][b]Floor 1, Town of Beginnings[/b][/center] Next thing Nick saw something he had not seen in a while, the teleport gate in The Town of Beginnings. He glanced around and noticed Namora and the "Hero" nearby. Though, he was not really in the mood for talking. [b]"[/b]Hey, Namora... Thanks for...[b]"[/b] the words just stopped coming out. Nick tried to form words but nothing could come out, his emotions still in some control. [i]I failed...[/i]. He shook his head, trying to clear out what had just happened. Taking a deep breath and wiping away his tears, Nick tried again. [b]"[/b]Sorry, I have to sit on what happened. But thanks, maybe I will see you at the meeting in Tolbana tomorrow." Nick disband the party, starting his walk toward Tolbana. [i]Maybe I should friend her, she could be helpful later.[/i] His right hand swiped the air to bring up the menu. Friends list sat empty as Nick hit send request and entered Namora. Tears continued to come trickle their way out. [I]I fucking failed. Saul, I am sorry. I promised something that I thought I could keep. I forced you in here, trapped you, and got you killed. But you gave me a task, one that I will not fail this time.[/i] [hider=Items]Antidote Crystal-1 Healing Crystal-2 Teleport Crystal-1 Healing Potion-4[/hider]