Jean looked down to the almost empty glass in his hand, setting it aside rather than finishing it. His blue eyes flashed to the blonde sitting across from him, she was dressed handsomely and quite beautiful and earlier he had noted the faint hint of an accent. For a moment he wondered how she would decide before glancing away to the farmer and the olive-skinned violinist, [i]what a queer bunch[/i], he thought with an amused smirk. Both men seemed eager, perhaps their motivation to kill surpassed his own personal vendetta. That did not mean much, though, blood can be shed so easily but revenge had to be fostered over many years of patience. When she did speak, he paid close attention until she was finished and noted a touch of hesitation. "[i]Ich denke, ich kann von Hilfeleistungen sein.[/i]" He announced with a smile before shaking his head, "My apologies, I can help in this matter. I spent [i]some[/i] time around Jerry, which I hope is adequate enough." there was nothing for him to hide but still he left his part of the war where it belonged; in the past. "I will make the necessary arrangements so that I can see this deed done," He paused as a second thought came to mind, "...however, I will not accept payment. Death is the price I ask, for twelve names I ask for one." It might not have been the wisest move on his part to make demands but the opportunity was too good to be passed on. These men had ways of finding information that he could never hope to, so while he was doing their dirty work they could do his. Straightening out the cuffs on his sleeves, he looked to the Rabbi and studied him for a moment. "Otto Beck, he was a guard at Stalag VIII-C. A sadist who took pleasure in beating men to death for no other reason than he could, when the war ended his [i]deeds[/i] went unpunished at Nuremberg and now he is out of the reach of justice by lawful means." Folding his hands over the other, he felt a chill run through him but let none of it spill outwardly. It was destiny, this meeting, that whatever fates presided were shining down onto him. Twelve men would die, [i]no[/i], twelve beasts who would die as beasts. "I will help give you justice if you do likewise, and then we will have an accord."