[center][b]Kiyomi - Tolbana - Floor 1[/b][/center] Turning over in her sleep, Kiyomi rolled all the way over and off of the bed. She awoke with a start and a squeal as she fell in a tangled mass of blankets. It took some time, a bit of cursing, and some ripping to get out of it, and when she did, her hair was all over the place. She sighed and stood, wiping her eyes while making her way to the door. Pausing she looked around and noticed that no one was in there. Siren and Kei were gone and the room had a fading smell of something delicious, but there was nothing there. With a shrug she opened the door and went into the hall. She didn't know which one belonged to Kei so as she walked towards the stairs, she opened her menu. She equipped her hood to cover her crazy hair and then her Rapier. [i]I wonder where they are...[/i] she started to wonder as she made her way outside into the cool Tolbana air. It was still dark but in the distance she thought she could see the glow of the rising sun. As she walked to the item shops, she passed a woman who was selling various scarves, hoods, jewelry and things of that nature. She looked startled by Kiyomi for a moment as she had let out a loud gasp. "Oh wow. So kawaii!" she sang. "How much for those?" she said pointing to a set of five hair pieces. There were four white ponytail holders and a white headband that was fairly plain, but what Kiyomi had loved was that each one had a cute bow on them. The headband's bow was more like small bunny ears, and Kiyomi's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "All five are 1,000 col. Want anything else?" she asked as Kiyomi opened her menu. "Hm...yeah, i'll take that brush. And..." she looked around the small space for any other girly items she might need. "I dunno." "Well, you seem to be looking for things for your hair. Mind if i have a look at it?" she asked. Looking around, Kiyomi sighed and unequipped her hood. The woman smiled and said "Oh. You have alot of hair, and its quite tangled. I suggest a comb to get the knots out." she turned around and got a comb. "I also suggest you cut it often. Its very long...And its thin so it may split easily. I suggest you cut it, dont let it grow past your hips." She finished. "Um...i guess your right. How much will all that be?" Kiyomi asked. She was slightly stunned by the woman's words, she didn't really notice the woman added 2,000 more col to her order for just three items. After she paid the woman, she put her hood back on and walked away. She needed to get more health and teleport crystals so she made her way to a different store. It was not until she tried to buy three of each and two throwing picks that she realized she'd been cheated by the other woman. Grumbling as her money fell to under 1,000 col, she stomped away and went to sit down on a bench near a park on the border of Tolbana. Swiping her hand to open the menu, Kiyomi selected one of her three message record crystals and tapped her friends list icon. She noticed that Siren was no longer there and for a moment she looked sad. Instead tapping Kei's name, the crystal fell into her open palms and a small click was heard. After a moment she started to speak. [center][i]"Uh...hello Kei, this is Kiyomi. Um...is this even working? Sorry, i've never used this thing before. Well, I dont know if you wanted to stick together but...Siren is gone. I dont see her name in my list anymore...I guess she left." -there is a pause and the sound of shuffling- "I dont know if maybe you wanted to stay with me. You might run into trouble if you do...but its your choice. There will be a meeting tomorrow...or is it today already? -there is another pause- I dont know. Its about beating the first floor boss. I'm going. Um...if you wanted to join me, I'll be happy to show you the way. I'm near a park, on the east side of Tolbana. I'll stay here, the tavern is a bit stuffy. So um...if you dont want to then, goodbye i guess. -there was another pause and a breath as if she would continue speaking, but nothing more was said-[/i][/center] Kiyomi hit send and the crystal faded away. Sighing she rubbed her eyes and looked around. She was all alone again. [i]I've brought this upon myself.[/i] she reminded herself before she removed her hood again. She took out all her items for her hair and started to fix it up. As she combed it, the knots painfully came loose, and she slowly, softly started humming the lullaby from her dream. Taking the scissors to her hair, she sat, waiting for the sun. --- [hider=Items][*]3 Antidote Crys[/*] [*]3 Healing Crys[/*] [*]5 Healing Potions[/*] [*]6 Antidote Potions[/*] [*]3 Transport Crys[/*] [*]2 Message Crys[/*] [*]2 Throwing Picks[/*] [*]995 col[/*][/hider]