[b]Name:[/b] Katyusha(Katya) Vasilyev [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Katya is 5'2 feet tall and is an albino. She has white hair, red eyes and pale skin. She always wears dark turquoise contact lenses since she doesn't like people looking at her eyes. [hider=appearance][img]http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo187/theoneandonlyhaku/Pantsu%20Witches/c80fe15bebdde9e5c6604f83f2b8fdd4.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Powers:[/b] Paper Manipulation [b]Limits/Weaknesses:[/b] Katya can manipulate paper in a few ways. Firstly she can move paper around with her will. The more paper she control the less control she has over it. For instance if she control 1 piece of paper she can even make an origami frog out of it, but if she were to control 20 pieces she would only be able to move them in a stream. Secondly she can change the color of paper. Though she can only change the colors of what is already on it. Like changing writing from blue to red or the paper from white to black. Lastly she can harden the paper she controls. This requires some concentration from her though and she can only harden 1 piece of paper at a time. [b]Equipment:[/b] A spare set of contact lenses. A notebook full of paper. [b]Personality:[/b] Katya is a calm girl who doesn't really talk that much. This is mainly because she dislikes attention and this became more prevalent when she got her power. This doesn't mean she is shy and f she wants to say something though she will say it. She is also quite practical and doesn't like stuff that has no practical use. Most of the times she will think before she acts and often tries to plan things out. Katya is quite sensitive about her being an albino and clams up when people talk to her about it. [b]History:[/b] As you can hear from her name Katya was born in Russia. She grew up as an only child with 2 loving parents. When she was 8 she and her parents moved from Russia to Canada because of her father's job. Katya had to leave all her friends behind and had a lot of trouble learning English. This made it hard for her to adapt and she never really made any school friends in the first few years. It was during this time that she started to play the violin since she wanted to have something to do. After school she would go to music lessons and she actually managed to make some friends there. Since then she became more open and her life was turning normal again. About 2 years ago she discovered she had special powers by accident. Being afraid others would find out about this she started getting reclusive again. She drifted away from her friends and when she finished her senior year she decided she wanted to start anew somewhere else. She applied for some colleges and managed to get into Stalwart Academy. [b]Degree:[/b] Bachelor in History [b]Clubs:[/b] Music club, Board and Card Game Club [b]Other:[/b] Katyusha likes it more when people call her Katya since she finds her name a bit of a mouthful. She can also speak Russian fluently and has a Russian accent. She is talented at playing the violin. Because of her albinism she is sensitive to sunlight. Because of her power she started to learn origami.