[b][center]Kei – Tolbana Tavern - Floor 1[/center][/b] Sitting in the dark quiet room Kei didn’t get a wink of sleep all night rather he wasn’t tired at all. He still had some energy left inside of him. He went stand up from his current position but since it was such a sudden shift of his center of gravity he completely lost himself and instead went tumbling to the floor, he hit his head against the small end table that was near the bed, in that split moment he held the top of his head out of reaction, usually the pain receptor would be off, but to Kei’s surprise he felt all the pain that came from the hit to his head. After several seconds of laying on the floor in a fetal position holding onto his head in pain, the pain finally resided and he had remembered that when he joined the game he had chosen to turn on the pain receptors so that he could immerse himself into the world.「Already this far into it might as well follow through.」He took a deep breath and did a kick up getting himself up from the floor in a quick fluid motion. After taking a small stretch he made his way out the door and into the hallway that echoed slightly with his footsteps.「Still as quiet as ever.」He looked down both ends of the hall and then started towards Kiyomi's and Siren's room at that moment he heard a small 'ping' noise come from his UI. With a smooth slide down with two fingers of his left hand he navigated the various menus until he got to his messages. To his surprise it was an item, more specifically a message crystal. Taking it from his inventory he leaned up against the wall and pressed on the little button to start the message, right away the quiet hall was filled with the sounds of the voice that was very familiar to him. [hider=Kiyomi’s message] "Uh...hello Kei, this is Kiyomi. Um...is this even working? Sorry, i've never used this thing before. Well, I dont know if you wanted to stick together but...Siren is gone. I dont see her name in my list anymore...I guess she left." -there is a pause and the sound of shuffling- "I dont know if maybe you wanted to stay with me. You might run into trouble if you do...but its your choice. There will be a meeting tomorrow...or is it today already? -there is another pause- I dont know. Its about beating the first floor boss. I'm going. Um...if you wanted to join me, I'll be happy to show you the way. I'm near a park, on the east side of Tolbana. I'll stay here, the tavern is a bit stuffy. So um...if you dont want to then, goodbye i guess. -there was another pause and a breath as if she would continue speaking, but nothing more was said-[/hider] After the recorded message was done the crystal immediately lost its glow and fell into his hands, the item had no more use. He put it into his inventory and pushed himself off of the wall.「Time to meet up with Kiyomi can't really leave her alone, she is my first friend after all.」Kei pulled up his friends list and double checked Kiyomi's location. Once he was sure she was still at the park at the east end of Tolabana he left the tavern and made his way there. It wasn’t long before Kei had reached the park she was sat, just as she had said she was sitting at a bench so Kei just went up to her casually.「Yo Kiyomi. Did I make you wait long? By the way you said something about Siren, any ideas about her?」He gave a smile as he approached her --- [hider=Items] 5 Throwing Picks 5 Lockpicks 2 Antidote Potions 1 Healing Crystals 3 Healing Potions 2 Teleport Crystal 1 Message Record Crystals [/hider]