[img]http://www.timesystem.us/v/vspfiles/photos/A53119-2T.jpg[/img] On the cover in gold inlay are the words – How to handle the President On each page is a list of rules, accompanied by a picture. Each page is in a plastic sleeve attached to the binder by three rings. Page # 1) Do not baby the President. No matter what. The words are in bold and above it is this picture [img]http://imgs.tuts.dragoart.com/how-to-draw-an-anime-cartoon-puppy_1_000000001800_5.jpg[/img] 2) If you hear erratic thumping from his office, enter only with caution. [img]http://en.last-video.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Ball-on-face.jpg[/img] 3) Do not be afraid to remind him of things, he will always forget something. [img]http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/boss-yelling-sleeping-employee-vector-illustration-cartoon-characters-megaphone-office-38164298.jpg[/img] 4) On long trips, make sure he has his bag at all time, otherwise he will lose it. [img]http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/lost-luggage-20110504-072605.jpg[/img] 5) On the train, do not leave him alone in the dinning car. [img]http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQua-Qe0zTzH7T-BFei4DnG615EtDydH7JlLs-e2ecLyYGPfBgw[/img] 6) On plane, take the window seat. [img]http://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/108/590x/aviophobia-435390.jpg[/img] 7) If you haven't seen him eat in over five hours, bring him some food and make sure he eats it. [img]http://cdn.vectorstock.com/i/composite/41,04/overworked-worker-vector-884104.jpg[/img] 8) When he breaks off into Japaneses, just wait til he's done and ask him to repeat it. [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/267/7/7/kankri__blah_blah_blah_by_rasberryoctober-d5ftpso.jpg[/img] 9) He never means it when he yells. [img]http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/500x/29947231.jpg[/img] 10) Don't ever let him have chocolate unless you are prepared for the consequences. [img]http://www.blackberrygood.com/uploads/allimg/110530/2-110530222S00-L.jpg[/img] 11) Good luck! [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-gbBNSqbrUZU/T8O2JxaqkKI/AAAAAAAAAFE/vfTB-4ZRLWM/s1600/kiku.jpg[/img] There are several more empty plastic sleeves with a sticky note on the top one - Add more as you need to, Sylus