[quote=LeeRoy] Before I came to Forums I was on Omegle and other instant chatrooms for roleplay. Before that I was a poor quality Larper and short story writer.Combined the two, left chatrooms altogether, and came to Forums.Admittedly chatrooms are faster paced, and I enjoyed that.Sometimes it'll take days for even one post, and that's frustrating to someone who used to complete one fight in one day. Numbering within 20-50 posts per day. Fast paced stuff and then a gap of absolutely nothing, and then forum roleplay. I guess Forums have better staying power than chatrooms though. Allows for roleplays to actually last, rather than die off. [/quote] Aye. Mymag was the same. It was forum based, but the only forum based Roleplaying that I've ever seen that was fast paced... It was very different... Never seen anything else like it. XD