[quote=Krodin329] http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/34619/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1066093 Here's my most recent one, one person said they were interested today, but I don't know if any more will. [/quote] I'd say it's the formatting. A giant block of text like that not only makes it seem like not enough effort was put into it, but is also more likely to result in a "tl;dr" response from readers. My advice is to break that into paragraphs - pretty it up a bit. That should make it easier on the eyes as well as make it look like you put a lot of time and care into it - and people love seeing a GM that looks like they know how to put effort into something. It'll make people more likely to trust that you know how to run an RP and therefore won't have to worry about a GM letting it fall apart on them just as they finally get their CS together.