[center][b]Town of Beginnings - Floor 1[/b][/center] A brilliant flash of light appeared at the Teleport Gate, swirling together before fading away in a shower of sparkling pixels. In the place of the fading light stood a young woman. Relief and traces of fear lingered on her beautiful face as she raised a shaky hand to tuck an errant lock of hair back inside her hood. She’d made it. Two close calls in one day was a bit much for her to just take in stride. It brought up a couple of rather unpleasant realizations she could have done without. For one thing, she needed friends in this game. Other players she could count on in times of danger. The thought left a somewhat bitter taste in her mouth. Making friends wasn’t exactly her forte. Namora’s thoughts turned to Rigsaw, a pang of fear and sadness knifing through her as she could not help but assume the worst. Lost to her melancholic thoughts, she stood there with her head hung low, oblivious to the flash of light which suddenly appeared behind her. "Hey, Namora... Thanks for..." Rigsaw’s voice broke into her reverie. A surprised gasp escaped her lips as she quickly turned to face him, crystalline blue eyes widening in shock and disbelief. There he stood, very much alive though looking a bit worse for wear. Grief etched lines into his handsome face, aging during the past hour’s tragic events. She’d assumed the worst as per the norm for her and this was one of the few times it felt good to be proved wrong. “Rig..” she began quietly, completely unsure of what she was trying to say. That she was sorry? No, that would be of no help at all. She couldn’t tell him that things were going to be alright either. Settling to pat him awkwardly on the arm, she grew silent. "Sorry, I have to sit on what happened. But thanks, maybe I will see you at the meeting in Tolbana tomorrow." He managed to say, the words clearly taking him an effort to get out. “What –“ The notification that the party had disbanded popped up as he turned around and began walking away. “..meeting?” She finished quietly as she stared at his retreating back. Namora wanted to ask more about this meeting, find out what it was about. But clearly, this wasn’t the best time to chase after him and ask for an explanation. Accepting the notification for a friend request from Rigsaw, she decided the best course of action was to hit a tavern or an inn and get some rest. [hider=Items] • Teleport crystal - 2 • Health crystal - 2 • Potion - 7 • Antidote - 4 • Medicine crafting materials • Message record crystal • Poison flask – 2 [/hider]