[b][i]Tuesday, Spring 2nd[/b][/i] The sun lowered itself over the mountain as its path brought it behind the beautiful rock face. Grass was tinted with orange color of the light coming from the falling sun, and birds what had come after the snow melt chirped with the ending of the day. A lightly breeze crossed the fertile field of grass and made the small stack of hay bales shudder. Spring had arrived just a day earlier and with it marked renewal. It was fresh start and warmth from the bitter cold that bit through most of the buildings on this ranch. Buildings creaked quietly as the winds pushed against them. In the fields three cows feasted their last meal of the day and a horse stood along at one end seemingly the guardian over all. The chicken coop was silent besides for the occasional squawk and spring cleaning left its mark with a fresh coat of paint from earlier in the day. Across the fields a bell rang out and the animals turned instinctively to head back towards the barn. All except for the black horse, and its companion soon trotted out to meet it. Looking back the black horse saw its master waiting for the cows to arrive in the barn. They cows were met by this as they walked in. With the door left open Natalie, who had called them in, brought over a stool to her first cow and sat down with in. In her other hand was a clean metal bucket that she sat under the cow. Patting its side Natalie spoke. “Alright, Cookie, you know the drill.” Reaching down she expertly milked her cow. While doing so she gazed over to the mountain in the distance which could be seen out of her barn doors. “I love spring.” She stated to herself. Soon enough the other two cows were taken care of by Natalie giving her a bucket and a half of milk in total. After putting the milk away in haste to prevent any amount of freshness from being wasted Natalie walked out to where her two horses had placed themselves. Stroking the side of Dirt lightly she whispered. “Thanks for the lift today,” which earned her a gentle snort in response. Then she walked up to Calico and put a hand on either side of his face and said. “Nice to see you. I had to help with the left over tear down from the festival. You weren’t to lonely right?” Calico shook his head as if he understood, though Natalie liked to believe he did there was no way to tell if it was just a response to her voice rather than words. When she was done talking to her horse she said. “Alright, it’s not supposed to rain and it’s a great night for you to stay in the pastor during the night to sleep.” Trusting her horses to behave, and they usually did, she moved to the chicken coop. Saying hello to each chicken she gingerly gathered up the eggs without upsetting them too much. Most of them were too tired after the longer day they were unaccustomed to yet during this time of year. Upon leaving the coop with her basket she walked off to put the eggs into storage like the milk. A rundown shack which held an industrial fridge alongside containers needed for her items was where she set her supplies. Finally she went on to her small house. An old log cabin is what you would call it and it wasn’t exactly roomy once you got inside. The kitchen was good for cooking meals for two people, but not much more. (How she managed doing it once before no one knew, and she never admitted to the mess it had left behind.) Then it was directly open to the living area that held a couch, coffee table, and single chair. All quite close to one another with a view out the window and into the ranch. Sighing in relaxation Natalie fell into her rocking chair and closed her eyes. “SO much work…” she said quietly to herself as spring had brought spring cleaning and purchasing of new goods. “Got to plant my garden tomorrow. Or if I am lazy the next day...” she added as she opened her eyes to gaze as her sunset tinted pastor. Watching her two horses trot about without a care in the world. Thinking to herself how silly those two horses were at times.