[center][b]Ellien-Dire Mountain - Floor 1 - Previous Night[/b][/center] Ellien's shoulders hunch a bit as she listens to the woman, "I apologize for toying with you. Where other people find joy in bashing virtual skulls, I like playing a role." with that she extends her arms, gesturing at the current setting... "Y'know.. that mysterious rogue that people NEED, but they feel like they need to watch over their shoulder lest their coinpurses end up sliced... There was no play on words there, I meant coinpurse in the literal sense..." she says, leaning back and stretching before hopping down off of the rock. "I'm one of those rare few who find this place as a sanctuary rather than a prison... So I apologize for my unneeded theatrics, I guess I'll try to keep them to a minimum" she says with a sigh as she scuffs her foot in the grass, tearing up a little clot of dirt which she just stares at, frowning "Fascinating how the code can compensate for just about anything... most games wouldn't allow the terrain to be damaged like this..." she mumbles, not necessarily addressing the heavily armored woman but just thinking out loud. She just stared at the ground for a few seconds as she ponders the woman's comment about night hunting "Well, through my personal experience... other than the rare party that's out roaming around thinking exactly what you just said... The wilderness populations during the night are rather low... But I've found that the wolf spawns around here are more active at night as well... Which would probably help with what we want anyway..." She says, nodding thoughtfully, "And on that note... That big ass wolf you fought... don't you think he killed it a bit easily for something that arrived as if it were a mini boss? As I said... I've been hunting that thing for weeks... mainly just to get it's spawn points mapped out to sell to rare-mob hunters... But if you'd be interested in partying up, I'd be willing to share the map data I have for this region with you... Whatever it drops, we can split 50/50... Sound good?" she asks, pulling her hood back and finally revealing her face, "Oh, and the name's Ellien... Sometimes to earn a bit more cash I'll add in a title here and there for intimidation factor..." [hider=Inventory]Lute Flute 2 teleportation crystals 1 corridor crystal 2 large healign potions 3 weak healing poions 1 screen shot camera crystal 2 message record crystals[/hider]