I hope this is okay. I'm still looking for an image, though. Let me know if anything needs to change, please. Username: YamiCuoreLaroux Name: Chiaro “Kia” Schwarz Gender:Male Age: 17 Species: Selkie Family Trade: Fishing Caravan/Home town: Tipa Personality: He can be a bit of a hothead at times, but he’s mostly into passive-aggression. Unless monsters are involved or someone actually starts swinging at him, then he’ll bust out the racquet and deal some damage. Having dealt with being called a thief so many times in the past, he actually learned to be very good at stealing just to spite people. He normally doesn’t steal unless either he really needs something, or someone has accused him of thievery when he has not done anything. Aside from all that, Chiaro normally is a pretty nice person, if you can get past the sarcasm and generally cold exterior. He also really enjoys sweet foods and has a soft spot for cats. Looks like: Raccoon Tail, slightly feminine, though (I’ll get an image up shortly) Other: He used to be made fun of as a child for “looking like a girl.” His response to this kind of taunting now is to do girly things to the point of making others uncomfortable or with as un-girly an attitude as possible. Again, he does this just to spite people. "Even if others call them thieves, you have to admit that Selkies are awesome!"