The sound of her own native music and of the usual merriment in The Rattling Chain was almost like a mermaid's song to a sailor. An irresistible invite to follow. Caoimhe was no stranger to the bar, a rather frequent customer. Whenever she wasn't working, which wasn't very often really, she could be seen here most the time. So it wasn't much of a surprise as the banshee came through the door, rather noisily. She could have come in in a more conservative manner but it just wasn't her style. "Ah! What a lovely sight as always! Good evening to you all, my dears!" Caoimhe sung, a smile lighting up her ghost like features. Her arms spread far out as she greeted the other people idling around. There was a mixture of reactions at her display, some rolled their eyes and others stared, some just ignored it. It didn't seem to damper her mood as she hummed softly to the music for a moment before she made her way towards the bar. "A drink of ale please, I don't care much for the brand of it." Caoimhe said, her nails drumming away at the countertop for a moment. The variety of different creatures in the room made her take just a moment to scan what was happening. The Dullahan band was playing, decently of course, but she had a bet that she could do better. She could always out perform someone, it was a silent thought but her confidence was known. There was a banshee here and there, Caoimhe waved to one that floated in a corner, comb in hand. Couple ghosts just hanging around, and a few more different undead scattered about. The one that she really paid attention to was the skeleton, telling some comedic story. The idiocy of it made Caoimhe's lips part into yet another wide and toothy smile. "Oh, how nice." She remarked, although it wasn't clear if she was laughing because of the story or because of how stupid it seemed. Either way, she seemed to enjoy it.