[quote=TheBiddz] OOooooooooooooooooo that sounds like a challenge! You seem like the type who either fights like a joke, having the most fun ever with it, or is absolutely ruthless. Im gonna go with both. I happen to pride myself on my creativity too. If you ever need something to do, you should totally join in. I'd be hella interested to see what you do.And I feel you on being around jerks. Im friends with LeeRoy, and let me tell you, he's grade A dried beef strips. [/quote] I'll probably roll up a character to use in this. Like I said before... I don't know how much time I'll have, particularity due to summer being right around the corned, and that's the busiest time of year for me... but, I'll have to give it a shot anyways. I wish we had some cached pages of one of the WOTW tournaments from Old Guild. XD You probably would have loved the Chibi Trio; Lynx, Tynx, and Rynx :) One of my favorite group of NPCs you'll probably see occasionally accompanying some characters of mine.