[center][b]Kiyomi - Tolbana - Floor 1[/b][/center] Kiyomi watched as she cut the ends of her hair. As each strand flew in the wind, the slowly turned to shimmering dust, never to return. Absently she wondered how long her hair would be back in the real world. If her mother brushed it each day, if Kaito still braided it like he did sometimes. She disliked the straight cut she'd given it so she cut at different angles and chipped into it like she'd seen on t.v. Once she was satisfied, she reached for the cute ponytail bows, seperating the hair at her neck into two sections and tying in her classic pigtails. She reached for her headband after and placed it on, getting her mirror to take a look. She smiled when she saw how utterly adorable it looked on her. It was funny how something so simple could brighten up a long day. As she returned her items to her inventory, Kiyomi heard a familiar voice. Her caramel colored eyes looked up at Kei as he came to sit next to her. "Yo, Kiyomi. Did i make you wait long? By the way you said something about Siren. Any ideas about her?" he asked nonchalantly as if they were the best of friends. She looked stunned for a moment. He had actually shown up, and she was rather happy about that. "No, i didn't wait too long. Its nice out tonight, the breeze is amazing. And Siren? No, i'm not sure what happened. Oh, look at this though." she turned her body to face him and she held up her still quite long hair. "I did it myself. And aren't the bows the most adore- huh?" Kiyomi paused as a little envelope popped up, showing she got a message. Tapping it, a message crystal popped up and from it, came the faint sound of Siren's voice. [center][i]"Hello Kiyomi. I hope you get this and you're alright. I dont want to leave...but i think i will go on without you. I miss you already. Dont worry. -there is a quiet sniffling sound- Kei, if your there...I hope you know, i'm just not sure about this... I dont mean to unfriend you, but I just want to be in absence. I will see you two soon...but stronger. Thank you for saving my life. I'm so happy...to call you my friends." -there is a faint sound of crying and then the message ends- *written with love by AliceZaru*[/i][/center] Kiyomi sat stunned as the crystal fell to her lap. "I cant believe it...at least she's okay." she looked up and sighed. "Siren, you silly girl. I cant protect you if your not here." She looked at Kei. "Well, now we know what happened. ...if you dont mind. I just want to sit here and talk until morning." --- [hider=Items]3 Antidote Crys 3 Healing Crys 5 Healing Potions 6 Antidote Potions 2 Transport Crys 2 Message Crys 2 Throwing Picks 995 col[/hider]