[b][center]Kei – Tolbana Tavern - Floor 1[/center][/b] Taking a seat right next to Kiyomi, Kei titled his head back slightly and stared at the night sky, the little white specks in the sky glowed brightly and a few of them even shot across the sky it was a peaceful sight and it reminded him of the days he used to sit on his roof and just stargaze. After a brief moment of looking at the stars, Kei brought his head back to a level position and then turned it slightly putting Kiyomi’s figure into his main viewing range. She had cut her hair, compared to what it was before, this new look, suited her ten times more.「I like it, it looks really good on you Kiyomi.」Kei just gave a warm smile. Kiyomi went onto saying stuff about the breeze in which he nodded in agreement, and then went onto the topic of Siren, he brought his attention up only to be told that Kiyomi had no idea either.「Guess she is-」Before he could finish his thought Kiyomi cut him off, but it wasn't for no reason rather it was because Siren had sent her a voice message. The two of them had gone silent listening to the message from Siren. [hider=Siren’s Message] "Hello Kiyomi. I hope you get this and you're alright. I dont want to leave...but i think i will go on without you. I miss you already. Dont worry. -there is a quiet sniffling sound- Kei, if your there...I hope you know, i'm just not sure about this... I dont mean to unfriend you, but I just want to be in absence. I will see you two soon...but stronger. Thank you for saving my life. I'm so happy...to call you my friends." -there is a faint sound of crying and then the message ends- *written with love by AliceZaru*[/hider] Just as Kiyomi’s crtsyal did earlier, Siren’s crystal went dark and fell without much noise into Kiyomi’s lap. With a satisfied looking smile Kei stood up and looked up at the sky speaking out.「Siren you better come back alright? We will be waiting for you.」With a small but quiet laugh Kei was content to know that Siren was at the very least safe and still kicking.「and you mean [i]we[/i] can't protect her if she isn't here, Kiyomi, I am her friend too after all.」He pushed Kiyomi lightly on the arm and then sat back down on the bench, resting his back fully against the bench.「So as you said you want to talk, then let us talk.」Kei leaned back against the bench and closed his eyes focusing on the sounds around him.「I am up for talking about anything by the way so don’t hold back ok?」 --- [hider=Items] 5 Throwing Picks 5 Lockpicks 2 Antidote Potions 1 Healing Crystals 3 Healing Potions 2 Teleport Crystal 1 Message Record Crystals [/hider]