Not the games, but the Pokemon themselves. I will look at the, the lore, and other little stuff straight off Bulbapedia, and I will comment on what I think about them. So let's start with this Pokemon. [/b]Leavanny:Nurturing Pokémon[/b] [img][/img] So it looks like a prey mantis got into poke-nip and is just high as hell. If there was poke weed, this pokemon would be doing, it and then catching on fire, given that it made of part leaves. I wonder how it picks thinks up that don't have holes in them, damn things got leaf hands. [quote]Pokedex Black: Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing for it from leaves, using the cutters on its arms and sticky silk. White:It keeps its eggs warm with heat from fermenting leaves. It also uses leaves to make warm wrappings for Sewaddle. [/quote] So not only does Make clothing for Pokemon, it also uses compost(fermenting leaves) for heat? Weird, not as weird as some pokemon.(looking at the pokemon who lore says it's dropping are used to keep people warm in winter.) Soooo pokemon is passable, to just plain meh, sure if you want a Pokemon who looks like a butler, and is a bug, have fun. It's name also does imply that it's just a butler/nanny, made of leafs. Image a fan fiction where mewtwo is turned into a baby, and this pokemon comes along and rises it up to be "good". Or don't i rather not have something that reminds me in any way of the fan fiction My little dashie. I will say, if you ever need a pokemon who warms it's eggs with plant compost, Well boy howdy i got a pokemon for you.