[i][b]Billions of years ago, the Green Lantern Corps was created by the Guardians of the universe to protect the 3600 known space sectors. Chosen for their ability to overcome great fear, each alien Lantern was armed with a power ring capable of constructing anything the wearer can imagine. The ring itself powered by one's own willpower and the willpower energy absorbed and filtered through the Central Power Battery on the planet Oa in sector 0. The ring's energy however is not unlimited and the weapon must be charged on a personal power battery each Lantern is also issued. With the recent return of the Guardians, the Corps is back to recruiting new Lanterns from all corners of the galaxy.[/b][/i] So... yeah it was only a matter of time before I tried this again. Before the site relaunch this was one of my bigger games even with the stat system. However this one will be straight up RP'ing without stats however my basic CS requirements sheet will be a little different for this game. For example, since all Lanterns can shoot energy blasts, create force fields, and fly... to make your Lantern have their own personality, I'll ask to list a few choice constructs so that nobody's really making the same thing unless we need to. Finished Character Sheets must be PM'ed for final approval before being reposted in the eventual OOC, but you can post Works In Progress here: Name - Age - Sector - [1-3600, nobody from 2814!] Homeworld - [again, nobody from Earth] Personality - Experience - [1-12 months, everybody's still kinda new] Constructs - [at least 5] Former Occupation - Alien Power - [you can be physically stronger, faster, more durable, have a tail, etc... when i say an extra alien power I mean something like heat vision, invisiblity, insanely strong, telepathic, shoot plates of natural body armor from your hide, etc...] Appearance - BRIEF Bio - Notes - [anything about your alien race we might want to know for example...] You can use whatever cannon aliens DC Comics has in their stable or create your own. I've actually used Ben10 aliens for inspiration a time or two. For this game though I'm gonna take an alien from a planet introduced in the Legion of Superheroes, Bgztl. The Legion is another good source for a few different human-looking aliens. I'm looking for about 7-10 players or so... ~KL~