[center][b]Dec 2, 2022 Floor 1, Tolbana Town Theater[/b][/center] [hider= Meeting Location][img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140309034648/swordartonline/images/a/a8/Tolbana1.png[/img][/hider] A fairly large crowd had gathered at the large amphitheater in Tolbana. Most sat on the steps leading to the center, though a few stood near the center. [b]“[/b]I think we should begin [url=http://swordartonline.wikia.com/wiki/Diavel]Diavel[/url],[b]”[/b] a player spoke to the blue haired man closest to the fountain. He nodded in agreement, [b]“[/b]Alright, I think most people that were coming are here.[b]”[/b] The crowd began to go silent as Diavel stepped forward. [b]“[/b]My name is Diavel, and I have gathered all you here today for the purpose of advancing in this game by getting past Floor 1.[b]”[/b] Diavel stood tall, his bronze armor giving a commanding presence as he delivered his speech. [b]“[/b]As you all well know, it has been a month and yet, no one has cleared the first floor. We don't even know where the stairs leading to the 20th level of the Labyrinth is. That is, until yesterday.[b]”[/b] The crowd grew excited and began to talk amongst themselves. Diavel raised his voice, [b]“[/b]Please, quiet. My party found the stairs and explored till Boss Door was found.[b]”[/b] The crowd looked around, some whispering to one another. [b]“[/b]So, this meeting was called to form a raid group to take down Floor 1 boss, [url=http://swordartonline.wikia.com/wiki/Illfang_the_Kobold_Lord]Illfang the Kobold Lord[/url].[b]”[/b] A young man stood up," Shouldn't we scout the boss first before taking him on so soon?" Others nodded in agreement. Diavel crossed his arms behind his back, [b]“[/b]Quiet please,[b]”[/b] the crowd silenced, [b]“[/b]Thank you. Now, that is not necessary. Thanks to the beta testers, we have all the info we need to take the boss down,[b]"[/b] he paused for a moment, [b]"[/b]Here is what we know about the Illfang. He has four health bars and three mob guards called Ruin Kobold Sentinels. Every time a health bar depletes, three more Sentinels will spawn. When Illfang’s last bar gets low, he will switch to a two-handed sword and change tactics.[b]”[/b] Several of Diavel’s men began to hand out the guides. [b]"[/b]The guide also has info on everything you could, locations of quest items, drop locations, and any info the beta testers could remember.[b]"[/b] [b]“[/b]Now, we need to form seven groups for this raid. Group A and B will be are tanks, keeping the boss’ attention. C and D will be fast moving assault groups, our dps. E will handle the Sentinels, keeping them away from groups A thru D. The last two, F and G, will be support, helping where they are needed and interrupting boss and mobs. Now, if you have any questions use the guide or come see me. We will wait till later tonight before heading out. Be back here around 5.[b]”[/b] With that, Diavel stepped back as everyone began talk amongst themselves or head out to prepare for the upcoming battle.