Baaam! Huge CS post. Now, please be nitpicky :P [Name-] Ookawa Hikari [Username-] Hikari [Age-] 18 [Ethnicity-] Japanese [hider=Appearance] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider] [Sexuality-] Hetero- ________________________________________ [Level-] 13 [Weapon-] 25 points per level. [hider=Weapon:] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider] Weapon class and current skill level: One handed straight sword 325/1000 [Hider= Fighting style] Hikari fights like a lightning, very fast and very agile, sometimes also doing multiple aerial strikes at an enemy before dropping down to the ground and dashing out of harms way. Because of her speed-oriented fighting style, Hikari cannot wear anything heavy at all and so, she uses her stage-dress as a battle uniform as well, since it allows the air to flow nicely and even enhances her speed. However, it doesn’t have any protective use and so, Hikari [b]has[/b] to use her speed to dodge as well, or she is going to be slaughtered really quickly. [/hider] [Health Points-] 9350 [General Stats-] 150 points per level. • Strength - 500/1000 (Affects the player's damage output) • Sprint - 700/1000 (This skill is both an activatable burst of speed, and a passive increase in the player's effectiveness at dodging strikes.) • Parry - 1/1000 • Shield - 1/1000 • Agility - 750/1000 (Determines a player's jumping height and the ability to perform aerial maneuvers. Reduces fall damage.) • Battle Healing - 1/1000 • Perception - 1/1000 (A sixth sense, allowing the player to notice enemies and secrets from a distance. Greater mastery allows detection of monsters and players in «Hiding» status.) • Stealth - 1/1000 • Tracking - 1/1000 [Profession Stats-] (these are not compulsory, but they will come in handy depending on your character) 30 points per level. • Blacksmithing - 1/1000 (weapon crafting - all types) • Fishing - 1/1000 • Cooking - 1/1000 • Tailor - 1/1000 (armor crafting - all types) • Gathering - 1/1000 (collecting crafting materials) • Medicine mixing - 1/1000 (create health potions, antidotes and poisons) • Music - 390/1000 (Bards - the singing and entertaining kind. Think Skyrim, not Dragon Age.) • Lockpicking - The ability to open locked chests and doors _______________________________________ [Hider=Personality] Hikari is mostly pretty cheerful and upbeat girl, all around, though, she is what otakus call “tsundere”. Mostly behaving more boyish than girls her age, she can also be a bit aggressive from time to time. Especially when she is called cute, or similar positive attributes about her body physique, by men. Somehow she just can’t cope with men from time to time, although her behavior can be pretty similar to “them”. (Except for calling girls cute, of course. She doesn’t do that…) But this does conflict with her goal of becoming an idol, in real life as well as ingame, from time to time. From the outside it even seems she doesn’t care if she dies or not, however internally, she wants to keep on living, not because she wants to return back to the real world. No, she wants to keep exploring every nook and cranny of this new world, which she started to like even more than the real world. [/hider] [Hider=Biography] Since she was a kid, Hikari, although surely having attitude issues, wanted to be an idol. A singer, a dancer on a stage to entertain the masses and put on smiles onto the faces of her fans. A few weeks before the start of the SAO beta, she auditioned for a well-known idol group in Tokyo and passed with flying colors. That’s when disaster struck. In a training with her new kenkyuusei(research students)-partners, she slipped and fell off the stage breaking both of her legs having to stay in hospital and in bed for several months completely devastating her morale. That was when her doctor, one of her family’s close friends, managed to get a hold of an SAO beta access for her. Diving into that beta and exploring the lands was one of the best things Hikari had ever felt. All the freedom of the virtual world felt great. And, of course, her legs did work as intended, so she practiced her footwork all day long until she was tired enough to fall asleep while still ingame. Until she got released from the hospital and the beta ended, she had become an impressive dancer and singer and she knew how to efficiently use the game mechanics to move smoothly and quickly. However she still wasn’t allowed to participate in her idol group’s practice sessions until after the game came out… A month later, stuck in the game, she quickly shrugged off the shock of being caught in the game and so she took the chance of a desolate morale to entertain the players gaining even something like a small fanbase with the players. One of her fans even went so far as to make her an own costume, which she now uses on stage and in battle… [/hider] ________________________________________ [Armor-] [hider=Simple, lightweight cloth armor/costume] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider] [Items - Consumable and Misc-] 2 Teleport Crystals 4 Recording Crystals 3 Healing Crystals [Other-] Number 7 rules, eh?