I'm sorry... Let me make that clearer. There is just no 'hand-waving'. Let me make that clearer. This might be fiction, but we still always hold logic to everything we do here. It's what keeps the arena together and what dictates a battle. Also.. I checked Skall's character, because I know him better than that... (High) Vibro-Blade appears as a Bastard Sword-- These are the standard Templar issued blade weapons. [b]They are surrounded by an invisible, high-frequency energy field that gives them damage capabilities equal to energy weapons.[/b] They can slice through armor very quickly and given time can cut through the heavy fortifications or doors on ships and on worlds. (High) Sonic lance -- This is a sophisticated Templar weapon. It unleashes powerful vibrations [b]in a considerable area in front of it[/b], literally shaking apart all unlucky enemies in the area, no matter the bulk. The longer the knight charges it the stronger the effects of the sonic burst. Which both fit what I said earlier, vibration being used around a weapon as energy as opposed to the actual weapon itself.